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  1. Time before Neyo After joining the server for the first time I walk about the map asking what each battalion does and how they are on the server. After asking a good bit of people I learned that the 41st was the WORST battalion before Dooms unit at the time only due to DU having Z6s. This was due to an inactive BCMD who was a minge and refused to discipline his battalion. This was shown by how his battalion acted with and without him on the server. They would run around jumping on and off ships waiting for ATC to answer and would have those with hex shields throw them at every DB. He would also let people join his battalion as a SPC, not a PVT. During both of my Neyo terms Everything above was still happening. Eggs activity on the server was already starting to drop. He had placed those who were in his friend group (the Odinsons) to officer positions even if they were not capable of being one. At this point Hudson from RANCOR had made his way into the Recon Reg position. A good bit of his time was with my battalion but it started to become less and less due to him having to deal with the 41st and the activity of their BCMD. He still was not disciplining his battalion, you can see this via CG arrest logs. a few examples are, on 9/5/18 Blackship was arrested for trespassing, the same day another 41st was arrested for doing the same thing. There are move arrests between the examples, mostly for spamming buttons. On 9/6/18 Delaware was arrested for racism. On 9/11/18 Blackship (again) has two arrests, one for failRP and another for RDM. Blackship should of been removed and blacklisted at this point for multiple arrests back to back. On 9/20/18 SGT Preacher was arrested for RDMx2, he should of been removed on the spot no matter what due to rdm. Well Preacher was arrested the same day for RDMx2, AGAIN! Egg has an arrest himself as a BCMD for RDM (I understand having fun and going just a bit to far as I have an arrest on me for RDM as well). The list goes on and on, you can CTRL F and search 41st and see the MASS amount of arrests and read each of them yourself. Well around this time, I had learned Hudson removed Egg due to inactivity and the inability to control/discipline his battalion. Now i do want to make this BEYOND clear. I am not for or against the removal of Logics ban, what logic did to get banned was absolutely fucking stupid. He should of came to me when i was his Recon Reg. I would of been able to stop him from making this mistake. Also when I say he wouldn't discipline his battalion, I am going off of the definition, that says "the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience". At this point i could give two fucks less about this whole thing and both sides. I am only posting this because Logic had asked for my perspective here. I have past dislikes for both parties but have forgiven and moved on with both of them. CG Arrest Logs
  2. That was well over a year ago and a lot can change over a years worth of time. your using your personal emotions from a server YOU were power hungry on as well when you became SODBE reg and gave things out to your friends to solidify your position and hide behind when people called you out for your inexperience not only with SODBE but with being known as Command. If your going to bring things up about Geckos server, you should show some background to back it up. Your also acting like you were never toxic or did anything wrong yourself and were forgive for it all.
  3. This clearly shows you didnt read anything he said. It is in the first screenshot you take that quote of him and twist it around in your own words. The screenshot LITERALY says " I love beating Cyans Ego down". Go ahead and reread that and read it again once more while your at it because he didnt say " I enjoy mentally degrading cyan". This is a quote from Ninja himself in my DMs, i have asked for his permission to post it here as well, "cyan was removed TWICE as a CMD. once at the beginning of owens term after messing up multiple times. and the 2nd time after our bans where the other members of DU HC called some of the things he did dumb and were looking at removing him as a CMD because he still wasnt ready. That's something that would need to be spoken about to Dennis and owen as it was their decision to remove him. Clearly owen and dennis were already against us so how is something we supposedly plotted got him removed? we didnt make that decision for them or force them to do anything as they clearly stated that we couldn't force their hand. His removal and CMD twice was due to the decisions made by owen and dennis to remove him and because of cyan's own actions and decisions that lead to him being removed". Also in ALL of the screenshots, cyans age was NEVER brought up. Ninja already stated that they had a friend history and that they would playfully banter between each other, so you sayting that "he mentally fucking with a younger member" is you trying to use cyans age to back you up when it has NOTHING to do with the damn situation. You have said that he sabotaged his time during commander yet in the quote from ninja, he was removed from CMD for his own actions and the decision was COMPLETELY owen and Dennis's. If your going to attack people during a post or ban appeal, you should take the time to make sure things are on your side and as correct as possible before posting. I would also like to say that sometimes it can take an hour for something to sink in after it happens and people can learn from their mistakes very quickly and sometimes it takes years to learn from. From all the conversations ive had with ninja from the first time meeting him to how he is now, i can truly see that he has started to change and grow off of what happened so please dont say he hasnt learned from his mistake because its only been a month since the ban happened.
  4. How exactly do you know SevenDays Networks is down? Ninja doesnt even play Gmod anymore, he hardly gets on even when he gets off work at midnight his time. I play EFT with him every other day when he gets off. And to whoever is saying that SevenDAys doesnt want him, thats wrong, we all enjoy him and like having him around as a member and a friend. Again Cyan, how are you getting this information about Sevendays because everything you have stated about it is absolutely wrong and i can confirm it because im the director for that server.
  5. Steam Name: [SR] Grum RP Name: Recon regimental CMD Grum Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:66247360 Regiment you are applying for: Recon How many terms have you held this position?: 1 term How do you feel your previous term went?: At the start it was going well until a few situations come up with 2 of my battalions that took most of my attention and focus during my term. Besides having to put most of my work into that it went very well. All battalions activity started to rise besides one that is slowly working things out to keep numbers rising. Why do you wish to remain a Regimental Commander?: I want to stay in this potion because I could complete everything I had planned as a reg done due to some road blocks I ran into halfway. I still have more ideas and things I want to roll out to not only help the regiment but all battalions. Current availability: Monday - Friday: 11am - 3am EST Saturday - Sunday: 12pm - 3am EST What have you achieved within your regiment during your past term?: Like I said above i couldn't get to everything I had planned on doing due to my need to focus on one of my battalions due to the lose of the BCMD and XO. For the first part of my term I had rolled out a bit more deployments by speaking to a GM friend of mine to help the battalions feel a bit of fresh air and get a chance to feel how it is to be on a battlefield once again. I made sure to stay updated with my battalions by doing weekly meetings to hear the changes and see how things were running. About half way into my term I had to step in as the 41st standing BCMD do to some stupid actions from the former BCMD. I started it off by getting a feel for the officer core what where people were and places that needed to be placed. Working alongside the last XO and standing jedi general, we started to decide on reworking the battalion as a whole. We focused on the subunit and some of the battalion jobs. After coming up with ideas and doing a few dry runs in a live event we come to the decision to work on the counterinsurgency and translation/scouting aspects of the battalion to bring new roles and experiences to the battalion out. I also sat with the new BCMD before he was accepted and looked over a basic recon doc for new troopers and for the whole regiment. This all ran up to the last week of my term as Reg. What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your regiment?: I had planned on getting all my battalions deployed and used for recon more since that is what they did in lore and I still want to do that. I would also like to have the battalions continue to update and rework their tryouts and docs to stay with everything being added and updated with the community. I would also like to continue to push them all to be serious in all situations, along with gaining more numbers/activity. And have all them work with other battalions more often to expand RP. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Of course.
  6. Hell yea. Definitely giving you the biggest +1
  7. Grum

    Venator Entity

    +1 that looks pretty good not gonna lie
  8. the idea is kinda cool. If it had a timer to how long it could be in the air would make it a bit better and more fair for all my recon battalions but i do agree with everyone else, there is no model for it but a block. Also with that being added in, it completely counteracts all the recon battalions. For example, if that is added, you no longer need to send a recon battalion in to gain information and scout when all you have to do is send the attack battalions in, give one person that block and call it a day. That takes all the fun of learning stealth and how to scout away. Also if you are going to make a suggestion to add or change something to a battalion or an entire specialization, you REALLY need to speak to the one leading it (Me or any of my bcmds along with naval) before you even think about posting the suggestion. -1
  9. I completely agree, you can not place a ban or report on someone without the proper evidence and the screenshot above only shows a dead trooper. Without the log to show who did the rdm this report is almost useless. Next time make a ticket and have a staff find out if it was rdm or not. -1 due to improper evidence.
  10. 187th shouldnt have BARCS, when 91st models were made they were told the BARC helm is one of the things that makes them different from the rest of the battalions
  11. I agree with Logic, why add another battalion in when everyine else is having a slow recruitment time. There just isnt as many new people coming to the server to just add another battalion. Last time one was added EVERY battalion was hit very hard for months. Fix the rp problems on your rp server before adding someone in and saying its going to help make things better
  12. I agree with Forseen. They use the same kind of shield as DU does and to be 100, those shields blow this one out of the water by 10000. They can smack people with them if needed and even better, the shields get deployed and become an unmovable object of pure destruction. Its a cool idea and the shields you suggested looks nice but im going to stand with a -1 on giving all of shock the shields due to the fact they would become a red DU without the z6s and the ability to arrest. Also i highly suggest speaking with the commander or the regimental of whatever battalion your thinking about making a suggestion for to make sure thats fine with them.
  13. Grum

    No Typing in Debrief

    Honestly this gets the biggest -1 i can think of. The problem with writing your pts before hand is that you dont always know if your pts will fit into the gmod chat so then you have to go in and find where it was cut off at and start again. If someone is going up for a pts and is taking forever to type then AOS for failrp, its been done many of times before this. Not everyone has a working mic. Along with that ive known plenty of people that had mics and had to type due to family being over or sleeping or something and that shouldnt be a problem. It is honestly stupid as shit to see this up for a vote. Just leave the pts rule as it is and give a time limit on how long a pts can last or even better yet, LET SOMEONE ELSE GO AS THEY TYPE IT UP TO KEEP THE DB GOING.
  14. Grum

    Grums LOA

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:66247360 RP Name: Recon Reg CMD Grum Battalion: Recon Reg Who is in command until you return?: All the recon bcmds Length of Absence: 1 week (3/9/2019 - 3/16/2019) I have a court date on Wednesday and wont be back till the weekend.
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