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Everything posted by Pxnda

  1. I’ll watch it in timeline wise then. Thanks alot Jax!
  2. @JaxSo you’re meaning is that if i actually watched them in the timeline order then it would be better or?
  3. I haven’t really watched all the seasons of the Clone Wars cause when I was little, I sorta didn’t really get it but now i’m up until like 4 am, Binge watching it. Anything I should really know before continuing? (I just watched Hevy’s death and now i’m a sad boi.) ***NO SPOILERS PLS TY***
  4. -1, I've barely seen you in game. Also, same points as Black and BigZach as stated.
  5. If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: Adding the MK Knife to all SOBDE jobs and ARC Jobs Job: SOBDE/ARC Jobs Model: SOBDE/ARC Weapons: MK Knife Other: SOBDE deserve to have their knives as they are equipped with 'vibroblades' and with the ARC Troopers, it would bring more appeal and have an additional perk of becoming an ARC Trooper. Also, Clones were trained to have the ability to fight with knives.
  6. -1, You have such a temper and I agree with Black on this one. Maybe someone outside of SO should be the BCMD since no officers are actually deserving it.
  7. -1, Pratt, you might be an interesting character but most of the time, I see you not focused on your own battalion. I mean, your XO did more work trying to perfect the battalion than you did. That shows carelessness.
  8. Neutral - Good Event Idea, Bad event jobs.
  10. +1, I totally agree with this. I believe that the Jedi Order (Well, some of the masters) are based on favotism. They should be purely who put the most work in and shows that they should be a Jedi Master.
  11. Neutral for now. I feel like you would burn out too quickly like how on Yoda you used to just AFK most of the time.
  12. -1, Incorrectly stated the lore as told by previous comments. You seem to not care about the other battalions.
  13. No matter what any of the haters of your methods say about you. You’re an amazing person and do not let others push you down! You were doing great and you will continue to be great! +1, No other person is great for the job!
  14. +1, your application was really detailed and long! I think you would be a better choice than Crimson.
  15. +1, Korm was a really great papa Kal before. Even thought I joined Null shortly before he became Reg, he was still great and actively engaging with other Null. (This is slowly making me wanna join back.)
  16. Was doing art projects...I was going to ask questions about Nine-Tail Fox god damn it.
  17. o7, You were a really good Kal and know how to beat your children right. 😂
  18. See, most of the time your activity heavily drops due to work. Also, you tend to switch on and off between battalions. Neutral for now.
  19. @Medic@Tristan@Reddy@miguz@BbstineY’all i’m so sorry. This art project is literally making me wanna commit. Anyone good for tomorrow tho?
  20. Damn man. Imma miss those juicy ass deployments.
  21. Anyone that has OW, drop your BNet Tags below, I wanna host a game night for the community. (If I get more than 6 people, we play private matches) But if we get less than 6, we could play arcade or QP. Drop BNet tags below. (Mine is Apollo Somethin if I add you.)
  22. *Cough* An excuse of a rapper. *Cough*
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