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Everything posted by Pxnda

  1. +1 #TrustTheProcess #PleaseDon’tDeleteTheBlackStreetBoys.
  2. +1, I miss you Prince. Even after all the tideious shit we both lashed at each other lmao. You were a great staff member and I wish you the best of luck.
  3. -1, Sorry. Lighig is doing great as Yoda and deserves a second term.
  4. -1, If you're the current XO, then you have the responsibility to keep your battalion active until the next Blackout comes. Sorry chief.
  5. Hey Gamers, i'm back in action.
  6. o7 to the real super hero. 💖
  7. I mean, you don't have any evidence of backing your claim. Sooo... By the laws of Synergy Roleplay and the pretend court system that I learned from Law & Order, I sentence you to 20 years in the sweat shop. -1.
  8. o7, The best and memest Kit Fisto we had. Was nice fighting by you when I was Barriss lol.
  9. @Quill KhanI'm down tonight if you're not busy
  10. @Quill KhanOh shit uh I didn’t see this till now and i’m heading to bed lmao
  11. +1, This lad honestly contributes the most in Naval, Boutineer is a 100% lad.
  12. Heyo! It's ya boi, the reddest and gayest of Pandas here, I'mma host a game night for Overwatch tonight. If you want to join, add my BNet: Apollo#14194 and join my TS Channel. (It's the Bobonater's | Panda's Memorial underneath honorary) So yeah! Join if you will! If we get pass 6 people, we'll be playing custom modes based on vote. (Pokemon, FFAs...Etc.)
  13. Heyo it’s ya boi Panda back at it again with the Niner App i promise not to choke this time lmao
  14. You know damn well imma try to be there lmao.
  15. +1, Is a really great Yoda and deserves to be in this position. Especially with the recent changes to the Jedi, I like it way better.
  16. So uh...Yeah. I've been thinking about this for awhile and i've come to the conclusion that i'm way too busy right now to even concider hopping on. As of me writing this i'm studying for my SATs tomorrow. A lot of shit is happening and I need to be focused more on those things. So...This is a goodbye to the people on Synergy Roleplay. Here are some people who made my experience on here a lot better than being alone: @Striker: Man. I know that you don't like me as when I was in 212th but we sure did have some fun events and PT together. I'm proud to see you as the XO of 212th and I hope to come back to see you as Cody. Stay Frosty. @Scribbles: For the most part, you are a legend dude. I'm not just saying that out of kindness but an absolute unit. Keep moving on. v- (Idk why I can't click on Nade's name but this one is for Nade): Hey Nade. How's it hanging? I hope life goes well for you. @Drayyen- You know where to contact me buddy. I'mma miss Swanson DBs. @Nyx- Idk if you're active on the forums but I want to say i'm sorry for leaving in your time of need. @Joah- You were a really good Rex and I wished I was in 501st during your whole term. @Carter- You're gay ❤️ @Egg- Sorry I couldn't live up to your expections as Barriss. I tried my best to outbest the last one. (The one before Darpaka) @Spud- You deserved Rex and to make 501st great again but sadly, that didn't happen. I wish the best for you as you strive for better. @Sanchez- You're mega gay and remember that we're the ultimate pilot duo. Don't you ever forget that. If I didn't tag you, i'm sorry i'm just not in a current state to even think right now. All I have to say is... Goodluck SR. @Nade Jones
  17. -1, You hang out with the 212th more than your own regiment and if it’s true that you’re always having second thoughts to go to 212th, that shows that you’re not fully dedicated to your current position.
  18. Neutral. Good Event Idea and Plot. I liked it a lot. Here’s why the Neutral: Event Jobs - A fucking Droid no clipped to me, shot me a couple of times then no clipped away. Then, there was that one event job that was telling everyone to head to main before the event’s end. (Might wanna punish him or somethin idk.) Info - The Infomation that the event jobs gave were really confusing and were almost practically unsolvable. (Or it was probably just me not having enough IQ to process, I won’t hold that against you but) in the end. Great Idea, Bad Execution.
  19. If Egg is doing his job and is being great at it AND wants to stay in his position as Gree then let the man be. He enjoys spending time with his battalion and he cherishes it. #Round10Complete. Anyways, +1. Keep doing great things for 41st, Egg. Good luck.
  20. Neutral (leaning to -1). I’ve seen you personally as myself starting to calm your urges within the 41st as Barriss. But, you do tend to cause unneeded trouble when a tiny bit of drama arises. Plus, you seem to get ‘burnt out’ quickly out of any state of your activity. Maybe this time will be the time you don’t take a 2 week LOA and stay inactive after those two weeks. Good luck Pythin and May The Force Be With You.
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