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Everything posted by miguz

  1. +1 could use more detail though
  2. +1 fun event - that nose gate usage was pretty good, with the event jobs using rockets it created a choke point since it hit alot of people
  3. +1 shot evil yoda and that ugly sith yaoqul (i also liked the dark effect.. fog as it was called)
  4. +1 enjoyed the rp with coburn and killing assajj
  5. thanks yall <3 with my lack of experience as admin I hope I can make it up by learning well!
  6. miguz

    Egert - Bounty

    +1 I enjoyed flying around in v-19 and fighting vulture droids
  7. +1 shot tons of droids and loved the teamwork
  8. +1 jedi temple is always cool to go to and help the jedi
  9. <3 I will try to be active to the best of my ability. Over the past 2 weeks I've had 99.5 hours in the server
  10. RP Name: 501st TC ARCO 2ndLT Jesse Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:92521016 Age: 17 Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EST), UTC -5 Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to help out the server with administrator power in ways like responding to tickets, help my own (and other) battalions, and someday maybe helping out in events. I also want to help out the experience of the server by improving it using the tools necessary. I would be glad if I could be seen as an asset to the server, because my willingness to learn and help would be put to good use. I hope I can accomplish this through good role play and moderation. Im active in my battalions discord and help out with the documentation, so I hope I can divert some of the attention to the server and the forums as well. Helping to moderate the amount of bad apples and trying to get them to either - learn from their mistakes or call in someone that can serve them the hammer. The ban hammer. This growing community doesn't seem like its going to stop any time soon and with the coming release of the new map - I want to help ease the transition and to lessen weight of all the other moderators. Tell us a little about yourself : My preferred name is miguz (Jesse is a lore character) and I've been on and off video games up until recently. My time spent playing games is probably more than I spend doing homework (sadly) and at the beginning of my highschool career I played alot of League of Legends on my garbo laptop. Then about a year ago I assembled my gaming pc and played harder to run games such as ARMA 3, Witcher 3, GTA V, Project cars and more recently PUBG. I'd also like to think im good at Fortnite with 105 wins under the belt, 2.05 KD and 7.54% win rate(was 10% at my peak). if u wanna add me lmk, i hope ur not trash tho. Do you have any previous staff experience? If we are talking about staff on a gmod server no, but I have been staff in some ARMA 3 servers (around 20 player avg), and Unturned servers (around 15 player avg). How much playtime do you have on the synergy server?: Roughly 200 hours ps. i realize i need to be tr trained in a week - i will get that sorted out edit: im tr trained again
  11. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 501st TC ARCO 2ndLT Jesse Suggestion: Give Jesse a Westar-M5 Implementation: Give the job a Westar-M5 Lore: Since Jesse was ARC trained and all/most of arcs have a Westar-M5, he should get one too Workshop content if applicable: N/A Add or Change: Give Jesse a Westar-M5 Job: Torrent Company Jesse Model: N/A Weapons: Add Westar-M5 Other: Since other 501st TC characters namely Echo and Fives both recieved westars (they are also both arc trained) Jesse should get one too -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. +1 whomst else has the willingness to take upon rex like quill? i see none - give this man bcmd
  13. +1 looks better than the current arc model
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