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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Hey that's France, I live far away from that shithole
  2. Hey at least we don't shoot up our own schools.
  3. Phil

    Raven's Ban Appeal

    @IKE He did say that he used their older clone models as a test bench a month ago when he first started the server, and got rid of them when it was made public
  4. Phil

    Raven's Ban Appeal

    They're most likey denying all of them
  5. Phil

    Raven's Ban Appeal

    @Zensras Thanks the link has been updated
  6. Phil

    Raven's Ban Appeal

    I'm just posting this for him because he was banned from posting on the forums RP Name/Steam Name: 91st Recon SS CSM Raven / lets get this bread Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:114632781 Date of Ban: 11/23/18 Length of Ban: Permanent Offense: Stealing content I guess ? Banned By: I don’t really know Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R3NXH0eBqfPyX8zNb_IbLwIONiNu_Pv0lver9aGz0sI/edit
  7. The whole thing was a big misunderstanding, everyone overreacted, people that were in the discord but had no affiliation with the server also got banned
  8. @miguz For some reason I can't tag IKE
  9. @IKE, @miguz The Retard Shack is still a thing? XD
  10. Phil

    Still the same

    That's why I stopped playing years ago, and why I stopped playing a week ago, think I'll take another 3 year break from Gmod
  11. If writing "Omalic for XO", and moving him up to CMD from COL on the document is a perma ban and is "sabotage", because he liked a guy and wanted to show that...then I don't know anymore. And I heard from multiple people that Woeny was deleted from the roster. This is not true I have been monitoring the documents for a day now to see how you guys would do without any Intel members, and Woeny was never put down as a CMD
  12. Phil

    IKE's Rex app

    +1 From my experience with this dude he deserves a chance to be REX
  13. -1, Where's Temple March HA JUST KIDDING +1
  14. [Battalion Commander and Equivalent] Steam Name: Small.Green:D™ RP Name: 501st SPLT CMBOVR XO Phil STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:52835344 Battalion or squad you are applying for: 501st Legion Experience: I joined Synergy at the start of April 2018, It was just me and a couple of friends trying out StarWarsRP for the first time. We all joined the 501st that day and continued to play on it for 2 weeks, slowly they all left because they found the server boring but I stayed for some reason, don't know guess I found it fun. During those weeks I joined the HWS Regiment (Heavy Troopers) and I worked my way up the ranks, later I was approached by an ITD if I would like to join Intel, so I did. I loved it. Through the following months I would become HWSO and ITM loving both of the positions I was given and the people running them. At the end of June I was promoted to 2ndLT and HWSL and would lead them with pride. I started working harder and when I reached the rank of MAJ I was hosting Officer Testing every 2 days for the whole of August. I was later given Intel Director and I revamped the Intel Team into a more efficient team. 2 months after being Heavy Lead I would be give CMBOVR (Combat Overseer), which I oversee both Jet Troopers and Heavy Troopers, making new tactics and revamping their documents. Also as Intel I have redone every 501st document so they would all have the same style as font, as well revamping the training document. I was a Commander for 20 days and currently sitting 8 days as an XO Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I think I have the experience to lead the battalion, me and Spud have been doing that mostly in the last week before Nyx’s resignation (sad to see you go buddy), and I think I have enough knowledge and trust from my men to make this battalion better than it ever. I’m might be biased sometimes towards a few people but I always talk to my men to see If they agree or disagree with me. They see me as their leader and I want to become that person with their help to shape this to a greater battalion. I’ve been asked multiple times If I’m going to apply for this position and I think this time I’m ready to take a responsibility and not let everyone down. I want to work as hard as Nyx did for this battalion and all the previous BCMD’s before me. I also have experience in leading and organizing since my family own's a restaurant and I've been doing most of the paper work and organizing everyone's timetables and paychecks. And If Miguz goes for a 2nd term, I hope we can host more SIM's and training's in the future, and bring back the activity. Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad? Yes Availability: Every day from 18:00 to 01:00 - 02:00 (GMT+2) (12:00 to 18:00-19:00 EST) I'm also constantly checking discord to stay in contact with my battalion. Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay? I've been playing since April 2nd 2018 Do you have a microphone? Yes Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term? More professional, less minging and less arguing, there's been a bunch of drama recently and I'm trying to end that. So when my turn ends I want that to be gone, we are all friends here and there's no reason for us to fight. I also want to see the battalion active after it ends. When I resign I hope all of the regiments are filled and the intel team is thriving, And I hope I leave it in a good place where the next Rex doesn't have to go through the same stuff we're going through right now. The battalion has the lowest numbers since the day I joined so I would like it to go back above 100 every month, because like I said this is the lowest we've ever been. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position? Yes
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