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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Phil

    Midget Kenobi

    Ya'll remember that time when Kenobi was a midget for a talent show?
  2. Imma +1 this if you promise to stop bullying @YeetMeister
  3. @SmallJeff https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/4907/Metro_Redux_Bundle/ It's usually $10 on sale
  4. He +1'd the suggestion for that
  5. That was the plan anyway, I should have worded the suggestion differently.
  6. Honestly it would be a good idea, if lets say someone locks down medbay, being alone inside and crashes, and there wouldn't be any staff on that could noclip to get inside. In those situations, which have happened a few times, that button would be useful
  7. This time I'm going to pull a Patrick and get myself drunk for the interview
  8. Admit it you had a mini stroke when you saw this lmao
  9. Phil


    Who is your daddy and what does he do?
  10. Volume warning next time. My ears are bleeding lmao.
  11. Don't worry It's a suggestion anyway. I just want more interaction with objects and people on the server
  12. But that would encourage people to actually do it. The first time they go out they might forget and get themselves killed and they would say to themselves "alright next time we go out we're going to stop by the armory and gear up." And because a "few" individuals refuse to get ammo before going out because "they don't agree with this system" then the whole server shouldn't be punished. I agree that some people won't agree with this because "too much effort" (honestly it's not, you're just going to the armory and opening a menu to buy ammo) but I do believe it would give others more to do before going out.
  13. ACE3 needs to be added to gmod lol. Would make Medics more useful in combat when someone gets downed/wounded. Instead of just using your bacta to heal people. +1
  14. That's how military and logistics work. When you head out on a Patrol and If you know you're going to be out there for too long you're going to bring extra ammunition and supplies. And adding to getting ammo in the field. It would be neat if they could make it so you could get ammo from LAATs, so they would actually be used more than just transporting people. But it would be difficult with them being banned when there's 100+ people on. If you don't do that when going out then that's a you problem chief for being lazy.
  15. Yes and no, instead of them giving you free ammo it opens up a menu where you can buy it
  16. They could put ammo crates infront of CSR/CIT/CQC, and up in the outposts.
  17. Name: 501st Executive Officer Dogma | Phil Suggestion: Make Ammo Buyable Only From The Armory Implementation: Removing It from the F4 Menu and making it buyable only from the Armory Lore: N/A, No Lore, but making it so you can buy it from the Armory would be more RP friendly, because currently people can just constantly buy it in combat and have infinite ammo, It would also force people to go buy ammo from the armory before events and going out on patrols. Workshop content if applicable: IDK make it so you press E on an ammo crate in the Armory and it opens up a menu (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") And to everyone -1 this, please put an actual reason, and not just "It wont work" "It's a terrible Idea", Give feedback to posts and why they wouldn't work, don't just jump on a bandwagon and -1 without an actual reason. If you give a great example it could give others ideas on how to improve them and add newer stuff.
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