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Everything posted by Valkyri3

  1. +1 partially colourblind but you know.
  2. We have bandages,medical tape and a medkit if recall correctly, as it's there for more rp immersion, but I think the system for dizziness etc can be added to Cwrp. I do not agree with this point however as it is kinda too realistic for a cwrp server and it's more suitable for games like arma 3. Remaining neutral
  3. +1 keep it up with the boys in black
  4. Valkyri3


    +1 like most people says rules are rules however I don't think nick deserves a removal, let him choose or he can be demoted by 1 rank or smth
  5. -1 this is such a big meme. Logic is already trying to fix issues that Egg has left previously. Let the Green boys do their own stuff.
  6. Come to give a visit to Military Roleplay as chancellor palpatine to encourage passive roleplay. Jk.I like to get kidnapped or go on patrols to interact with Siths and maybe any Civilians you meet. Usually I like to host checkups in the medbay as the medic or perform rp repairs on vehicles. As a senator like you,you could visit each battalion, talk to them and know more about their roles and hardships, Perform diplomatic visits to the sith cause why not.
  7. One of my favourite SOBDE ;_; See you on the Light Side! ❤️
  8. +1 serious roleplay is big gay on all the servers anyways
  9. When I first join the community in August, there was a lot of events and roleplay going on but apparently from what I see, it slowly died till MRP came out which I wanted a Change as since I was expecting more rp in MRP but there is some RP but not alot which is gonna be enforced in the future. Clone life is just boring now days, the only fun stuff is Jedi and sith while clones just stay in base or do other things. I feel like each battalion medical/engineer Officers should enforce Roleplay among the troopers to improve rp quality, this however require the cooperation of everyone in sync so that people can truly enjoy RP.
  10. +1 you went a far path my dude ❤️
  11. +1 Blessed be our New Founding Fathers for letting us Purge and cleanse the Jedi.Blessed be the dark council, a tyrant reborn
  12. +1 yes he may have some altitude problems as he wanted to ensure base ops succeed and also does a lot of work for base ops, I strongly believe he will be able take the position of yularen
  13. Name: Valkyrie Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:77874098 Staff Rank: New Admin Were you VIP: Yes Date: 12/16/18 Reason for leaving: heading for MRP^ Farewells: Thank you for everyone for making my stay on CWRP a pleasant one^.Alot of great memes has been created for the past 4 month. I will hop on CWRP once a while to interact with you people. See you in Afghanistan, CC-7426 Signing Out.
  14. The map is so dark outside at night
  15. Suggestion: Adding Night vision binoculars Implementation: Adding a new buyable Entity to the quartermaster Lore: To put it this way, Its so fucking dark when it's night so and our flashlights are ineffective against the darkness Adding a simple binoculars that sells for maybe 100-500k will help alot especially if Gamemasters decides to do night events out of the base. Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1414153810&searchtext=Binoculars
  16. One question I am interested in asking you. How are you going to improve the recon battalions relationship with each another? Joint Training helps but what other ways do you plan to do so?
  17. He's from Icefuse MRP previously was in the navy too pretty great guy
  18. Is dat twig u meme Reese @Twig_
  19. Its actually made by republic engineers but ok "Early on in the Clone Wars, engineers at Rothana were busy developing a new bipedal walker, known as the All Terrain Scout Transport, following their construction and testing of the AT-XT. The AT-XT enjoyed moderate success during its somewhat brief operational time, but was rarely used during the war.[3" "The earliest models were deployed by the Grand Army of the Republic during the latter stages of the Clone Wars. The conflict also saw the debut of several other bipedal walker designs, like the AT-RT."
  20. Its actually made by republic engineers but ok
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