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Everything posted by UneJamMut

  1. UneJamMut


    -1 You literally tried to make Panzer resign so you could apply for the position before Wolffe opened up after which you started telling him to stay as spec reg until you could apply for it. You are not in it to help your regiment, you are in it for yourself.
  2. o7 gonna miss you punching me
  3. For everyone hating on ragen for posting this I gave him permission and he even posted it in our discord suggestions. @Asus next time look at our discords suggestions before you get mad at him for posting it. +1 if we could import the baton code for it and just use the model and animation it would be fantastic for rp.
  4. +1 CG needs someone dedicated like shakes
  5. I'm going to keep this short and simple, we give multiple warnings before most arrests except for such cases as RDM or an AOS and if you see a CG not warning people then I would prefer to know their names so I can be able to punish them accordingly. From what I see as XO of CG most people feel more comfortable blaming all of CG instead of reporting the troopers who are arrest happy. If you need to file a report please fill out our report form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1lZ8ndnkjuXILVahuxaf821i5J6QSelDZ-UmT_lBTqEU/viewform?edit_requested=true if for whatever reason you lose that link it is also available in our ts channel info. On the topic of failrp I always include the reason in the ar for example "AR | Fox | failrp( walking on moonpool) | 1st | 10k" but I do agree we need to teach more of our troopers to include stuff like that so the general public can learn. Contrary to popular belief, we are not monsters. Try and talk to us rather than letting your anger fester.
  6. +1 nothing but respect for the man.
  7. +1 nothing but praise for the man
  8. +1 CG has great numbers and is the most disciplined it has been in a long time thanks to this man, lets spread that success to the rest of specialized.
  9. +1 the event lasted hours and kept us on our toes the entire time.
  10. +1 Hes the most qualified CG for the position.
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