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Everything posted by Hero

  1. @taur done. I’m stupid i forgot there was a format
  2. Name: Hero Suggestion: add a “Completed” channel into the event ideas section. This change would just make it so that if a GM used an event idea they could move it into there so people can see what type of ideas are most done. And also so that GM’s don’t do the same event twice. Implementation: add another section to the event ideas portion.
  3. Hero

    Forum cooldown

    +1 just not too long
  4. As one of the younger staff members at 15, i think the limit helps. It would stop some of the younger kids who want to come to the staff team just to mess around. But im also sure there are younger kids here who are definitely mature enough and responsible enough to deal with staff duties in the correct manor. So there should be a work around for those who want to join. I think that the work around should be kind of a grind to go through just to see if they are dedicated, like having increased hours. The applicant needs needs a recommendation from a staff member [A]/[SA]+, and you could also talk to their BCMD, to see if he/she thinks they are ready. nuetral
  5. +1 lore good but not great but it’s not mainly about that it’s about if he’s qualified enough to lead it and i believe he is. He has lead RANCOR very well and will do good as the regimental
  6. +1 would be the perfect regimental!
  7. Hero

    KaNeKi's Event

  8. I think that the "Event Idea" thing should actually be used. A lot of great ideas are in there and no one touches it neutral cuz i think its a good idea just needs some more rules/restrictions out before I can give a +1
  9. Alright boys someone take one for the team and steal all your parents credit cards, start a company, max out said credit card, and then rinse and repeat with multiple people
  10. +1 little short but I like short
  11. Just a suggestion, I think that pilots need to be more involved on events but the lag can just completely murder the ship, so what I'm thinking is you know those 3 part events on the event server. Why don't we use pilots more in there Example - launch a bunch of pilots and they have to break through a blockade Example - whenever another team gets deployed (IE - Attack battalion storming a beach) the pilots would fly all the people down there like in a real combat scenario (IDK IF THEY ALREADY DO THIS I SEEM TO ALWAYS DIE DUE BEFORE I GET TO THE ATTACK BATTALION PART)
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