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Sock Monkey

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Posts posted by Sock Monkey

  1. I dont even know where to start. It was just done so right.

    Throwing everyone into a world and at the beginning having a level of ambiguity where we kind of know what we're doing but not fully was honestly amazing. Moving forward all the different options we were presented with were so cool, if we wanted we  could just kill everyone, we could team up with groups, we could do nothing and all die. There was so much at stake and the single life rule brought that all together. Rather than stupidly running into buildings and shooting everything up, each and every soldier valued their life putting all the more stress in situations trying to defeat an enemy but also stay alive at the same time.

    - Having the 4 factions was super cool as there were 4 different groups that you could respond to and choose 4 different ways of approaching. eventually teaming up with one of them made our final attack slightly stronger with the support of our allies, it also saved possible trooper lives. 

    - Exploring, for the most part the map wasn't all walled off and we were never really restricted to one area. Freely being able to do what we thought would better the occupation of the Republic was super exciting.

    - For the most part event members tried not to wipe everyone off right away, although Darth Maul took a toll on most battalions.

    - The absolute most important thing to me, was letting the CTs join, as being a CT of course we are not gonna get sent on missions for like RC or other special battalions, but when deployment is so rare its really a big deal to get to participate in something as large scale as this was and meant a lot (first event on event server, despite being around for awhile now).

    - Although a Jedi general led us, we still got to go do things on our own like all the other battalions, we were not glued to a battalion and had to follow all their orders.

    - Overall the thought and effort put into this event was astounding, truly a  work of art, such a large scale event really pulls players in and gets them excited.

    - This is not only a +1, but from all the events I've taken part in this was by far the best passive rp start off ever, its always fun to run around shooting things, but this allowed for player control, for us to decide our fate and in the end it made for a perfect event.

    Thank you to all of those who took the time to create such a masterpiece and I hope more are to come!

    • Agree 1
  2. Name: Sock

    Suggestion: New event job

    Implementation: Add event job to further the lore and immersion of the server.

    Lore: The Boss Baby Was a entrepreneur on Coruscant, who sold weapons and ships to the republic, would be great for events as he could come on and offer deals to the troopers, or have a business meeting with senators. 

    Workshop content if applicable: currently have a professional make the model for me, so will take some time

    Add or Change: Add event job

    Job: Boss Baby

    Model: would look something like this

    Image result for boss baby

    Weapons:Everything, he owns the manufacturing of all weapons for the republic.

    Other: when on the ship, must be escorted by both CG and SC everywhere he goes

    • Funny 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Arroyo said:

    -1 it will cause chaos and if there is a CT officer he will start commanding people and make fun of them 

    I understand a lot of the negative feedback from this thread and all of them could have a developed argument but I genuinely dont understand what the hell this means, first off the job of literally any officer is to "command" or lead his battalion or group, otherwise officers assist the highest officer in leading so I don't understand what that has to do with only a CT officer, and the officers will make fun of CTs or something idk what that has to do with this, typically CT Officers would be people dedicated and trying to help CTs not harass and put them down I guess, if that's what you're worried about? I'm not really sure on what any if this has to do with the creation of a CT rank structure (if you or anyone else who understands the claim here please let me know cause I don't completley understand whar criticism is being made understand) 

  4. 18 hours ago, Sock Monkey said:


    Q: Isn’t this taking the job of the TR?

    A: TRs are meant to train the CCs to implement them into the CTs with the bare minimum understanding of what they’re to do, this raises the concern of actual care and help that is given, from personal experience I had to learn where everything was on the ship and had to figure out my battle station was the MHB, I doubt very many TRs have the time or want to answer follow up questions of CTs about basic things like this, furthermore TRs don’t conduct weapon training with CTs or set up sims for CTs, usually if a CT is lucky a sim is open to all. But having a CT rank structure would allow for direct constant focus of the flow of CTs that arrive on the ship, giving them a more personal direct approach, rather than the TR from another battalion that reads them a bunch of rules and sends them on their way.


    Q&A added to address the role of CT officers compared to the role of TRs

    • Agree 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Washington said:


    Ok, so first off, people keep comparing this to the 101st, and saying it is the 101st, and those people must have either not read this post at all, or are just illiterate. THIS IS NOT TO BRING IN A BATTLION! READ THE POST! The objective of this post is for there to be 5 (I would prefer 3, but 5 is good) CTs with an actual rank (Capping at WO) who could HELP TRAIN CTs. The sheer amount of disrespect and discrimination against CTs is quite a joke, and all the people -1'ing this tend to be the largest contributors to anti-CT sentiments. Believe it or not, THE SERVER NEEDS NEW PEOPLE, AND NOT BE PUSHED AWAY BY YOUR ATTITUDES.

    The sole arguments are:

    1. "CTs aren't a battalion" -- Which the post isn't to add a CT battalion.. are you retarded?
    2. "Why don't you join a battalion" -- They will be joining a battalion, the whole point is that they don't minge and murder everyone all the time, think of it like a filter. Only 5 CTs will hold roles in which they will STAY IN. 5. People. I understand counting can be a bit hard, but 5 is NOT a lot of people to not be in your battalion.
    3. "This didn't work before, like the 101st" -- Refer to Arguement #1, THIS IS NOT FOR A BATTALION, CT will NOT be a battalion! This is for a RANK STRUCTURE, so 5 PEOPLE can help TRAIN CTs.

    Overall, none of your arguments AGAINST the idea make ANY sense. In fact, the sole reasons so many of you are object to it is because you are so stuck in the past about how things should be run, and hate any type of change. This literally would not affect a SINGLE battalions numbers, only help them. This whole suggestion only seems like something that could benefit everyone, even Synergy as a whole

    I remain,

                     Marshal Commander Washington

    damn, couldn't have said it better myself, thanks! was gonna be a headache to re argue my entire point.


    Name: Sock Monkey

    Suggestion: A rank structure implemented into the CTs, in addition adding a CT Officer job


    Implementation: CTs joining the server for the first time, may not be as experienced or skilled as battalions that have conducted operations as teams for a long time. This makes it increasingly difficult to find able bodied CTs without having to spend lots of extra time allowing them to get accustomed to the ship and how things work, along with extra needed training. Having a CT rank structure allows new recruits to get a feel for how other battalions function by teaching and having them understand the basics. The concept of a rank structure would give CTs the chance to demonstrate skills at a basic level, in preparation to eventually join another battalion. The key factor in this addition as that THE CT BATTALION IS NOT MEANT TO BE A PERMANENT BATTALION FOR THOSE WHO JOIN IT, it’s simply a starter battalion that would let people get a feel for the server. This minor change would bring better skilled CTs to the server and small promotions to ranks such as PFC would make it easier for battalions to decide who they want in their battalion, making tryouts more efficient and easier for those conducting it. The CT has always been given a bad reputation, with Mass RDM scandals and unruly soldiers, it has become increasingly difficult for the CGs and staff to deal with the chaos, adding a respectable group of officers to maintain and lead the CTs would provide order to the battalion and give CTs who don't know what they are doing, an opportunity to show they can follow command and contribute to future battalions.


    Lore: The Grand Army of the Republic maintained a rank structure throughout the clone wars, initially using color to identify rank, they gradually shifted over to the customization of armor with unique color schemes or markings. This concept is not just implied for individual battalions, but as a whole army. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Grand_Army_of_the_Republic


    Workshop content if applicable:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=905412745 (Already on the server)


    Add or Change: Add a CT Officer job

    Job: Clone Trooper Officer

    Model: Jet Trooper (Jet pack would be removed through body groups) ( Only basic CT model that has a pauldron and holsters to represent an officer the most) https://gyazo.com/55ea276e3cfc16f43996296bcf149515

    Weapons: DC-15A, DC-15S

    Other: Would only have 5 available slots, making it difficult to get the rank, deterring people from staying in the CT battalion, and rather gaining knowledge from it and moving to a more uniform experienced battalion.


    Q/A + FAQ:


    Q: Won’t this cause battalions to shrink even more, as more people would stay as CTs?

    A: This is a starter battalion with extremely limited officer positions, we would encourage people to leave and join other battalions, so battalion sizes and recruitment flow wouldn’t be impacted.


    Q: The CTs are not a battalion so how could they have a rank structure?

    A: The Galactic Republic used color ranks in phase 1 to indicate rank (no battalions) phase 2 changed to different armor colors and markings, therefore any trooper could hold a rank if they portrayed the skills needed and got the training.


    Q: CTs are minges, how would a rank structure change that?

    A: While those who minge, will continue to do so, managing CTs would become easier if they have a higher ups that provide a block of authority, but minges would never be fully eliminated.


    Q: What would the highest rank be?

    A: Currently it would make sense for the highest rank to only be WO to start off, rather than have people fight and scramble to an XO or other commander position, from there depending on how the battalion is being run and developed, further promotions would be decided by higher ups in the Grand Army of the Republic.


    Q: How would this benefit other battalions?

    A: If CTs experience more or less of a starter battalion it would better prepare them for tryouts and working with more experienced battalions on the server. Furthermore it would weed out those deemed unfit for fighting in other battalions, making tryouts easier on the trainer, rather than them having to constantly deal with people who are just wasting their time.


    Q: Why dont you just bring back 101st?

    A: Of course bringing back 101st would be something many would like to see, and I guess if people want it more than just a basic rank structure it they could give their opinion, but I see it as another “battalion” that would become competition as new CTs may want to stay loyal to their starting battalion, rather than something we would deem as a starter battalion. Also the 101st is part of the 327th which is no longer on the server so it wouldn't make sense.


    Q: Who would lead this battalion?

    A: As of right now there is a CT SGT and a CT 2ndLT that could be promoted, otherwise I would continue to work in the CT battalion until eventually myself or another is deemed “worthy” to lead the starter battalion.


    Q: Is this just a power grab for a higher rank?

    A: What I want is to see the CTs flourish and to stop being viewed upon as bad during events and whenever we’re in defcon 6 strolling around the ship. With this higher ranks are required to maintain order within the CTs. And as I had said above, there are others that would probably be promoted before myself.


    Q: How would this further Rp on the server?

    A: Officers in the CTs, would hold trainings and other simulations that test the abilities of the CTs and let them demonstrate their skills. With this training concept other battalions could attend to place somewhat of a bid of recruitment  on CTs that perform well, giving CTs several options for battalions, rather than just the first person who asks them to tryout.


    Q: How would this benefit the server as a whole?

    A: The heart and soul of the server is CTs and all new players that join, when they have shitty experiences as a CT getting yelled at and disrespected by battalions constantly it deterres them from playing the server again, if they have a good experience starting off it is more likely they would come back and play on the server.


    Q: Why would you need a CT officer job?

    A: As an attempt to deter CTs from coming on the server and acting as officers, and when a CT is on that has a different model it allows other battalions to identify who is incharge rather than a CT with the same model as the rest leading them around.


    Q: Why do you care so much about the CTs?

    A: Maintaining the integrity of the CT is of utmost importance, showing that CTs are just as capable to do well as any other battalion is important to me, as I want to demonstrate there is always hope for the CTs!



    Q: Isn’t this taking the job of the TR?

    A: TRs are meant to train the CCs to implement them into the CTs with the bare minimum understanding of what they’re to do, this raises the concern of actual care and help that is given, from personal experience I had to learn where everything was on the ship and had to figure out my battle station was the MHB, I doubt very many TRs have the time or want to answer follow up questions of CTs about basic things like this, furthermore TRs don’t conduct weapon training with CTs or set up sims for CTs, usually if a CT is lucky a sim is open to all. But having a CT rank structure would allow for direct constant focus of the flow of CTs that arrive on the ship, giving them a more personal direct approach, rather than the TR from another battalion that reads them a bunch of rules and sends them on their way.

    Further questions will be added if an abundance of people are confused on something or if its a question that needs to be addressed.


    If you have any questions you can post them below or shoot me a pm.

    • Agree 4
    • Disagree 2
  7. -1 had a broken leg, medbay wouldnt fix me, yelled at me to go to my battlestation, crawled all the way there, got shot and yelled at by GM along the way, made it, then had to crawl back, got a cast, went to debrief.

    • Agree 1
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