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Sock Monkey

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Posts posted by Sock Monkey

  1. 6 hours ago, Joah said:

    My argument to having them, People have to assign a pointless rank, that hardly defines who you are. ~ And has to be changed everytime someone switches, Changing your name should be simple enough.

    It also takes up 20 tags on teamspeak. kms.

    Every channel is 1 talk power pretty much, so without some tag nobody would be able to speak unless they get talk power.

  2. Probably was a good event, but troopers got finessed by the LAAT and I got stuck under the map at the jedi temple and a staff member grabbed me with their phys gun and killed me, then never gave me a tp so rip, gotta -1 ( Although I understand event was for jedi so its a weak -1)


  3. If all the members in the battalion dislike the current buff and are asking for a new one, its justifiable to ask for a change.

    They are not asking from some absurd thing to make themselves super over powered, 15 extra damage is nothing, and if you guys think that is gonna give them the upper hand in pvp/combat then you need to get better, cause it shouldn't. 

    For the people complaining that special things in the future will be able to be switched all the time, I disagree highly with you. If a battalion that had a good buff already tried to change it or make it better, it would get shut down instantly with negative votes, because they wouldn't need change. I honestly believe that 50 more shots is the most ridiculous thing ever and they should have never even gotten such an absurd "specialty" so they rightfully should get it changed to something that actually benefits them.

    If you guys actually are so narrow minded to think that this buff will impact you negatively in any way or that the 501st shouldn't be able to make this change then you should delete your forum account, cause its ridiculous how upset some of you are getting over literally 15 damage, for a gun most of them wont even use, cause they will have their class weapon or perma-weapon (when added).

    Also nobody is looking to join a battalion cause their Dc15A does more damage than another, so the change wont impact recruiting or how much better one battalion is over the other because skill will ultimately determine that ( and idk what 212th has specialty wise, referring to @CBlake, but if its also extended mag, then you should also get that changed to something useful man.)

    Not attacking anyone directly with this (nobody actually delete your forum account or think im serious about that line), just trying to get my point across that it's not a massive deal that they want this changed.

    Anyways +1. But if this does not get added @Quill dont sweat it man, its not a huge deal and shouldn't be turned into something to complain about or used in an argument after a PVP to justify losing.

  4. The issue I had with the event was right at the start, us authorizing some random scientists to come on the ship to test some random shit on us. There was not a very good explanation as to why the  deathwatch randomly showed up, they just wanted an untested strength enhancer. The overall story was extremely weak leaving us left with a shoot em up, which was actually not a bad part. There was a good level of NPCs were spread throughout the ship to fight, rather than in one or two concentrated areas. Although it seemed like the reason the Deathwatch were there kind of didn't matter cause all they did was run around cloaked shooting people, even when they got close to the med bay where the scientists were they would just run away shooting at clones. Making the event seem quickly thrown together, rather than being well thought out.

    -1 for the passive RP, weak +1 for the shoot em up portion

  5. 12 hours ago, BigBurner said:


     Ever since I've been playing I've noticed an increase in people in actual battalions get arrested and less CT's minging. Today alone I've seen 7 people from different battalions getting arrested for stupid things and that was only in 3 hours. I'

    The problem I see is the idea of recruiting on this server, people trying to be the biggest battalion all the time and it results in people how are either not properly trained on the rules or just there to minge getting into battalion cause the second they walk out the CT bunks doors they get pulled into a tryout. With this concept a minge has to waste a little more time doing the tryouts, but when you join a battalion no matter the rank, you instantly get that notoriety of NOT being a CT and in their eyes makes it easier to get away with stuff.


    Also I already believe that the arrest time of 15 minutes is way too long anyways. When a new trooper gets on goes into an area he is not supposed to or accidentally talks during db and gets arrested for that absurd amount of time deters them from wanting to play on the server, even if they didn't know they were breaking a rule and was just enjoying the server. This problem is that we assume that all new CTs understand everything after TR training which is not true. When i first played clone wars RP I had no idea what the hell PTS mean't, obviously overtime  I figured it out, but when a CT cheers for someone in db with their mic or cant sit down cause they are not really sure how they get swarmed by CG and other members who get mad and frustrated at them which I find unfair. Overall a better understanding of the new players is more important and being more sympathetic to their undeveloped knowledge to the rules should be kept in mind, the arrest time for everyone should be minimized and if someone actually has no intent to rp, there should be stricter repercussions by staff. Because punishing the lacked knowledge of a new player should not occur as it easily drives out players as well as makes older players upset for getting arrested for 15 minutes for stupid reasons. I understand where this post is getting at, but its not hitting the core problem of the CGs and the arrest procedures, which is why I dont see it as fixing anything long term, and will just make CG have to do more pointless stuff that eventually will either become unimportant or commanders would deem unreliable as CGs is few cases happen to arrest people for improper reasons, or high ranks of other battalions who dont like people could just call AOS on them and it would get logged and get them possibly demoted without a proper defense.



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