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Sock Monkey

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Posts posted by Sock Monkey

  1. 52 minutes ago, Jackson said:

    Like I said there are of course exceptions for certain people below 14, to which they will have an exception made for them so that they can join staff after speaking with high staff about it.

    why add an extra step for high staff and a wait time for the applicant rather than just allow any age to apply then if they are young, HAs can get together and discuss, rather than make the applicant wait around for permission, would be same thing just dealt with when the app is up. and remove unnecessary steps that just waste time.

  2. 25 minutes ago, Korm said:

    If they're trustworthy of joining staff, at a younger age I think we may re-think it. But at the current time. We have had a bunch of terrible 10-12 year old kids joining with tempers and so on. Not something we need to deal with.


    if these 10-12 year olds with tempers and issues are getting past the forum application and the interview I think that falls on the staff that accept/approve the application and they should be held responsible for accepting unfit applicants. (only this paragraph is a response to korm, rest is toward the age restriction)

    An age restriction should not apply ever, as anyone of any age is capable of being an amazing staff member, or the most abusive staff member. In the end the interview and community interactions should give a proper view of the individual and how capable they are/can be as a staff member, not the age or maturity level.

    +1 it is not really necessary to have an age restriction, and just makes it harder and adds an extra step for young applicants.


    I still believe that an application can be denied for age or immaturity if the community/HAs see the candadite unfit for that reason. But not even allowing them permission to apply without a form of high staff consent is not needed.

    • Agree 1
  3. As a CT, I view 501st as one of the friendliest battalions, always helping us hold down MHB and watchover/help out CTs when I am busy. With Quill in charge he made sure that not only were his men respectful to all, but also helpful and kind to new players to the server. I believe that Joah can continue this tradition/pattern and continue to make the 501st into an incredible battalion, good luck and I wish you the best. 


    • Agree 1
  4. y'all are focusing wayyy too much on the application itself rather than the person posting. Squeaks has been close to perfect with managing and making time for all the positions held and is one of the nicest people on the server.

    in the case of making a "troll/mingey" I agree it may not be completely professional, but it shows the character, Squeaks does not seem like she is gonna go around flexing the rank or being up everyone's ass about every minor rule like some people choose to do. this applications "relaxing" feel, shows that of course she is serious enough to go for the position, but not super serious enough to the point where it's like this is real life. 

    +1 I believe squeaks has showed the compassion and has the experience to become Admiral

    • Agree 3
  5. 101st is stupid

    Has been tried time and time again to reinstate CT rank structures/101st and there are few arguments to combat the idea "MUH TROOPERS" & "Too much battalion" but ultimately this does not need to be a thing. CTs are and have always been a starter battalion in a sense, you join learn the ropes and move on. Those few of us who choose to stick around do so to keep the flow of members in check and provide helpful leadership and guidance to new and upcoming CTs. Having all those other classes is stupid, we dont need a CT heavy or medic, etc. When a member joins the server we encourage them to join a battalion and grow as a member of a group that is more organized and communicates better than the CTs. (CTs are default, bare bones battalion in a sense and dont need special classes/weapons)

    I've given it a shot with an extremely well argued case... and it was unsuccessful.(regarding CT rank structure, officers being added and able to promote)

    Sadly people don't get that as a clone there is no mandatory mandate to be part of a battalion to be promoted, SGT Slick from the clonewars tv show is the perfect example.

    And while I would like there to be a CT rank structure still, where of course members are promoted rarely and barley, the end goal will always be to get members of the CTs into other battalions and this idea would totally deter it from happening and would cause uproar and fights within the community.

    Also CTs can still be promoted by generals and Palpatine.


    In the end I dont see this as a step in the right direction for the community and the way it has been working has been fine, with only the most dedicated members of the CTs being able to hold ranks and the Generals deciding so, with limited power to the officers (officers unable to promote).


    -1 I value the idea but at this point it is out of the question.

    • Agree 1
  6. 28 minutes ago, Cutlaw said:

    Guys, please stop thinking about past experiences...


    13 minutes ago, Cutlaw said:

    Alright, I guess you won't trust people. -1 it and have further roleplaying experience with clones and battalions


    Just now, Cutlaw said:

    but people's past experience with the droids has been a nightmare and they won't allow it.

    Have a great day....

    You're trying to close up and ignore all other arguments because REEE PAST ASTROMECH RP EXPERIENCE WAS BAD AND NOBODY SHOULD BRING IT UP REEEE. When you should be acknowledging that the argument of better Rp is not enough to convince us that more Astromech jobs need to be added. I fixed my original -1 post to not include past Rp experience, but your relpy was simply stop thinking about past experiences. You did not defend any other points I had and only focused on the one you could defend. To me its not the past experience that makes my decision and that was only a small part of my argument. You're acting like anyone who -1's and brings back a past experience is completely wrong and I believe they have the right to consider and bring up the past because adding astromechs could quickly become what they expected and just dont want to take the risk.

  7. 36 minutes ago, Cutlaw said:

    it's like for every battalion to have one

    Having astromechs like everyone has said can be mingy and sure we can stop it. but there is also just a layer of absolute cringe, especially if there are battalion astromechs ugghhhh. In some cases already R2 gets either worshiped as a God and they all follow him around or they shun him from the bunks (501st) and he just sits out there making astromech noises, which just makes for absolutely terrible RP (And thats only one Astromech who roams about the ship barley cause he is inactive to the job which means more astromechs would make it even worse). 

    When people run around as droids there is a thought that they can be goofy, where they are not breaking any rules or doing anything necessarily wrong but they are just annoying and then they get really annoying. This becomes a conundrum as there is nothing we can do to stop it and we just have to accept it (annoying Astromechs) because there is technically no rules being broken.

    I get how it will enhance RP and sure maybe somebody could pull through and do some good RP as an Astromech, but I think if anything it should simply be an event job at the most. As when we are on the down time in the ship (defcon 6) there does not need to be astromechs zooming about and being distracting and annoying. 

    There also needs to be rules that the staff would have to create, are the astromechs allowed in the restricted rooms? how can we identify a droid that is the republics vs a hostile astromech? Do astromechs hold a rank of troopers? What kind of rules should be made regarding astromechs exclusively? Who decides who becomes an Astromech? Ultimately there are just too many complications and I do not believe that a chance to have some good Rp should be the factor in weather or not we add astromechs as too much more goes into this idea.


    -1 No matter how good the RP is or how little we focus on Astromechs it will end up just becoming annoying and stupid.

  8. I am always against every battalion having every specialty because it gets to the point where you have 20 guys on in your battalion but literally NONE of them are basic troopers of the battalion they all have some specialty and that gets annoying fast. Also when there are 500 jobs you're right it floods up the server and leaves for a lot of pointless jobs. But with this server I believe that BCMDs and other leaders have been able to balance their men into each one for the most part and so far there have not been any issues. and Honestly we could probably add a battalion or two (not saying we should) and each battalion would still be fairly populated.

    Overall -1 as I see a framework but its poorly executed and this would cause a disruption to the server that is not needed right before a new map and other big updates.

    • Agree 2
  9. 7 hours ago, Repent said:

    hate speech


    We cant determine the line between an innocent joke/criticism and hate speech. Hypothetical situation, if I am training a CC and they are Russian (CYKA sterotype) and I go in /ooc Russians are so stupid, is that hate speech, or am I just annoyed at the specific individual? Ultimately cases of direct racism such as the N word, direct disrespect, etc. and honestly I doubt someone would even get banned for saying something like Cracker (while referring to someone else) :/ even though that becomes a double standard are what this post is referring to, yet there is no level of "horrendous" for each word so there is no way to justify a long ban for one or a short for another, multiple counts is a different case though and because of this... I believe dealing with all cases using a 7 day ban is just, because it does not give room for bias or how "bad" the word was, just a simple ban.


    Typically if someone is saying extremely vulgar stuff, they say it several times in advert or something and that builds up the ban, so if its a one time offence it shouldn't extend to anything more than 7 days. Referring to the "dumb movie" ban for 30 days, when someone gets excited for months on end for a movie to release it sucks to get it all ruined by one simple message. This is much bigger than "offending" someone on the internet and rightfully has an extensive ban. 

    -1 keep it at 1 week ban.

    (its late so idk if this all makes sense completely, ill re read it later and touch up things if needed)

    • Agree 3
  10. @Andrews53 @J.Jefferson

    Apologies, it was a friend of mine, I was just ranting to him cause he was my 2nd lead CT Commander from another community and I noted how most of the initial +1s were 41st members and that I dont really engage much with the 41st and I was confused why they were not a big fan of me/ concept of CT ranks. Then he went out and made the post.  (Not an alt, but also not member of the community)

    • Agree 2
  11. 1 hour ago, J.Jefferson said:


    Implementation: Make it were CT's can't get promoted and give all CT's who have a rank one week to transfer out or they get demoted to CT PVT.


    Y'all search for the stupidest things to get upset about, I dont believe I've interfered with any battalions, and this is clearly because you're upset that I have a rank as a CT.

    If you really believe that I don't deserve to help the CTs then thats fine, and if this gets accepted then I will just go back to being a CT PVT, but by doing this I will also be deprived of helping with TR training, pursuing ARC, and all other skills required of higher ranks. Solely because my choice as a player is to come on a server and not join a battalion, kind of ridiculous that you're trying everything you can to limit the CTs. If you're so desperate for recruits that you cant bear the fact that 2 members of the server are higher than PVT in the CTs then you need to rethink how you run the battalion and how you conduct tryouts, as battalions who are respectful and nice typically have higher populations. (I dont believe that your battalion is struggling at all, and I dont believe my rank has impacted your numbers or other people new to the server seeking to join a battalion) 

    If there  is a valid argument that I've made the server worse than feel free to criticize me, but by leading the CTs when there is an event is simply an effort to keep them organized and to further build a reputable CT force, as I believe it is my duty to be an example to new players, and provide them a leader to follow until they ultimately determine the battalion that they wish to join.

    " I am suggesting this because there's no point of joining a battalion if you can get promoted in CT.

    The only people who have been able to promote CTs are Generals, and at no point do I believe that I or any other ranked CT should have the right to promote troopers, as I agree they should be joining other battalions, but at the same time this argument is kind of dumb, as people who join battalions are seeking more experienced reliable and consistently active players, ultimately its all up to what the player wants, so there clearly is a point to joining battalions besides  for ranks (unless you think the only thing battalions are for, is for ranks?)... Anyways, I dont think that a player should be limited to their choices and be forced to join a battalion in order to hold a ranked position. And so far, the CTs have consistently been fresh players, who typically join a battalion almost right away, so what has been in place has not caused everyone to just sit around in CTs.

    "CT's shouldn't be a permanent battalion it should be temporary until you find a battalion."

    Once again I mostly agree with this, the CTs are mostly for inexperienced or new players who are seeking to join a more organized battalion, but that does not mean that the CTs are not allowed or shouldn't have leadership within them. I pride myself in being able to grab a group of random CTs during an event and have them run around and hang out with me as it creates fun bonds, and when they eventually join battalions I get to see them grow from the random CT they first were, this experience is always fun for myself and all the other CTs on, as well as other battalions who like seeing the CTs holding a firing line or being organized while fighting in the MHB rather than running about the ship.

    "all CT's who have a rank"

    All Two.... Sgt Lighter, and myself...(not a very large part of the community)


    Ultimately if you believed that you could post this without me throwing everything into this, then you are mistaken, as I am proud to be a CT and no matter what happens I will continue to stay in the CT battalion, your obstacles are feeble in the ultimate transformation of the CTs and hopefully you and anyone else who agrees with you will see in the future that CT leadership has positively impacted the server and will if removed, then the CTs will quickly go back into the unorganized and poorly reputable group that it had become prior.


    Overall massive -1 it saddens me that people draw so much anger and resentment towards the successes of another....

    • Agree 19
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