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Everything posted by Buuged

  1. +1, just because mans from VA but where tho my guy and quality application
  2. Neutral I love you my guy, and you have the capability to be a great BCMD, but I would like to see how things play out with BigZach. No hate and my opinion might change <3
  3. well i'm a l r e a d y FUCKING DEFECTIVE PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: mINGE in rM
  4. I’ve only gone for one my guy. And I’ll admit, my applications are god awful.
  5. Boi I make money, i have no time to associate with the P L E B E S
  6. -1 Inactive C A N A D I A N
  7. You just double -1'd my app....
  8. Steam Name: Buuged RP Name: TRO RM HZL LTC Thermite Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:66389542 Battalion or squad you are applying for: Republic Medics Experience: I don’t have much prior commander experience other than being commander of an EOD battalion back in the summer of 2017. I have climbed the ranks of RM from the day I joined the server, working with the RM intel team, and as a hazard officer, helping teach users the basics of hazards handling. I host training with the RM when I can (nobody has really been on to do that with), and provide other training to battalions on the ship when they wish to participate. Other than that, this is my first real officer position that involves work. I spent some time as a CG Major on a small community called SOG, which is now an Arma community. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: Well, I’m a Lieutenant Colonel, I am the commander of Hazard, and I work closely with our intel team on the roster, so I already handle about 75% of the officer workload. I take charge of my troops and train with them often. Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: I mean, there’s not much real lore behind RM, but we provide specialty medical care in the time we are not being combat medics. Availability: Whenever I’m not working, and I’m a minor, so a lot of time. Can’t give exacts. Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I joined RM the same day I joined Synergy RP, so according to the roster I joined on the 8th of February, so about 2 months and a few. !playtime reports 217 Hours Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: Not huge, but good numbers of dedicated roleplayers that are active. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Shouldn’t be a problem, and if it does become a problem, then I can resign. Other Things/Rant: I want to see RM thrive, I do not want it to die off and become a relic, I want to revive it.
  9. Name: Buuged / Thermite Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 04/14, 04/21, 04/22, 04/28, 04/29, 05/05, 05/06 Reason: Theres staff meetings on those days, and I’m working when they occur, I’ll still be on, just not at the staff meetings Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yes
  10. bye papa kip, we'll keep the wobblegong on watch
  11. post your rm memes here
  12. its only for five days stop complaining, give the guy some time to rest his head. I believe Flowers and Bumblebee are very capable commanders.
  13. Remind me never to look at the forums on my phone again
  14. It might be official and true, but if its not, its likely to happen. The ERA of the RM is coming to an end. Its been a pleasure. To absolutely honest, I'm kind of sad.
  15. I understand your other viewpoints, but I have never been arrested. I feel like your arrest claim was made off of bad information. I also might rescend this app, not really worth it with the power vacuum. I respect your opinions and I understand.
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