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Everything posted by Buuged

  1. Community: **wants a new map, something different** Community: **picks new map** Community: **complains about map they picked**
  2. if you use light you deserve to have a public execution
  3. no its the fifth inb4 taur staff resignation v6 +1
  4. damn, it really do be like that +1
  5. oof Bye my sweet prince o7
  6. +1 Deserves it, I was gonna apply but seems like a rude thing to do since Snadvich has been in the battalion longer than me.
  7. o7, its been fun my guy ❤️
  8. wELL FUCK once again, I am dumb, void my post
  9. I'll gladly send you the full report and talk to you about this. @Dragon
  10. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XReDir8Oxu-subfozw7wp-44Qc4_Coi46RlgU0YM6KI/edit?usp=sharing This is the GM's 8/12/18 Battalion meeting. This is not a full transcript, if you want a full copy MESSAGE ME ON TEAMSPEAK, STEAM, OR THE FORUM PRIVATE MESSAGE SYSTEM. And if anyone fucking twists this in anyway I will tear you a new one.
  11. Term ends in 10 days, lets just wait until apps open up. Neutral for now
  12. Buuged

    TRO Suggestion

    I could get behind this, make TRO a game rank.
  13. +1 i remember when naval was fun and active and part of the roleplay.
  14. +1, everyone deserves a chance, and he might be able to control 3 battalions
  15. I got whacked for asking if a CG was ok in DB (mind you the actual DB was over) because he was shaking around like a fucking epilectic child. Of course there were 4 other cg around him who did nothing and the person who whacked me was the one who was shaking. Guess if a CG falls unconcious in db i’ll let him lay there \_(•_•)_/
  16. Asshole Medic > Sympathetic Medic
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