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About lamn22

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  1. lamn22

    Droids got Sneaky

    8/10 Need more rockets
  2. lamn22

    CIS Attack on Base

    8/10 Was fun for the small part i got to see.
  3. lamn22

    Refuge attack

    +1 We actually got to have some fun... i even got to take the LAAT home with them
  4. RP Name: TR DU QM ENGO 2ndLT Lamn Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198092525729- Age: 18 Gender: male Timezone: EST - Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): i want to be an administrator because i want to be able to do more on my current favorite Gmod server. i wish to make and help with events in the future. I like to help others when ever I can. I would like to learn how to be staff for the future. I wish to enforce the server rules, because I hate people that do nothing but minge, although i have never been a Admin/Mod/GM or anything on any other server... i believe that i can still try my best to do what it is that is expected of me. I take my job as seriously as a heart beat. I would like to say that I enjoy being able to train others, it makes me feel... wanted. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I live in NC in the US. i'm a vivid swimmer because i plan on going into the Navy. Military history is my favorite subject. I come a long line of military brats. My favorite Person is Chester S. Nimitz. My favorite aircraft is the AC-130 Gunship variant. My Favorite ship is the USS North Carolina. I used to be a Sprinter for my schools Track team. i suck at other sports like: Basketball/Football ETC. Do you have any previous staff experience? Nope...
  5. lamn22

    Battalion TV's

    we could find a way to block certain videos
  6. lamn22

    Battalion TV's

    Name: Lamn22 Suggestion: Add a TV to the bunks or at least the mess hall Implementation: : It would help our men to relax during off hours, it could also be used as a learning tool to use while training CT's to be part of the selected battalion, or to just help educate others in the art of combat/strategy. I have asked many people if they would want to have a TV in bunks, and most, if not all, said yes. Lore: In the Star wars universe, there was a Holotelevision that is similar to the TV's that we have today, only are the hologram version... Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=546392647
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