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Posts posted by Camilo

  1. 16 minutes ago, Doc said:

    Gonna be honest in reality unless you are planning to apply for something like staff it really doesn’t matter, and if it is staff then state in the app that they were reset and put your current amount of hours, I feel like that would be sufficient enough. 

    Thats exactly it. So i edited my app for it. Hopefully they understand.

  2. RP Name:
     DU SSG PLT Camilo
    Steam ID:


    VIP (Y/N): 
    What was your previous staff rank?:

    i believe it was SA when we all switched over. If anyone remembers let me know and ill make an edit. 

    edit 5/25/19: i would rather go back to admin to relearn everything


    Are you currently staff on a server?:(SCP or TTT):

    Why did you leave the staff, team?:

    Took a unpredicted LOA 2 years ago. Started back recently full force.

    Why do you want to rejoin the staff, team?:

    Ive always wanted to be a helpful hand in the server. Jumping back in and doing my part is the right thing to do. I love this server a lot. Its gotten me through some rough times. 

    Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: yes


    EDIT: I was told to state that my ingame time was reset. It says i have around 30ish when i actually have a few hundred

  3. Severity level (1-3): which is higher 1 or 3?

    Evidence (if you can): look at my time

    Description of the bug: see below

    How can we recreate it: look at my time

    Idk where else to post this. My in game time is at like 40ish hours however i have a few hundred hourds on the server. Idk if there is a way to help fix this after my long LOA of like 2 years but there are some places where itll matter in the future. Thanks for the help everyone!

  4. 22 hours ago, Llama/Yoda said:

    Resignation - Once you file this resignation it can only be redacted if you ask a Director within 6 hours of it being posted. Otherwise, it is final. No, if, and's, or buts.
    Name: Llama Odinson

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41031163

    The final day of work (Must be three days later): 11/14/17

    Reason for leaving: My mother is going to be having surgery on the 14th to have a tumor and a couple polips removed from her colon. She will not be able to have a normal diet for 6 weeks or more. I really need to take care of her and focus on IRL right now so for now leaving staff is something I need to do. I will still play in game when I have the chance but I really will not have the time for staff.

    Farewells: @Egg I love you dad <3

    @KazaneI am coming to Valhalla my wife.

    @JoahThank you for the opportunity to come back to staff and good luck, we will still hang out just as much so this won't really change much lmao.

    @aStonedSparks probs the best founder tied with Joah, thanks for the jobs dad, I love you.

    @Medic@Rush Cat Best directors. 

    @Billiam Clinton@ZanderYou two keep doing you.

    @JacksonGreat lad keep up the amazing work.

    @Nightmare The Fan Fic GodI love you my son, keep up the fan fics and wiki's, GANG GANG! Keep hunting the traps.

    @DargonKeep up the work with Jedi my son, I am proud of you despite how it seems.

    @Ginyu Watch out for that faggot Dargon, and keep it up cuckboy.

    @KovalUse what I taught you and keep being amazing.

    @BazooGood lad

    @HalpertYou do not get near enough credit compared to how much you do.

    @Tomasgood luck

    @MocarisYou are a good lad keep up the amazing work. And yes we are still friends.

    @ForseenWill be an amazing director and keep up being a positive influence on the server.

    @Kyle VanhornIt's time to chill.

    @Sinister Still a great Yoda.

    @DuckGood lad, thanks for everything.

    @CamiloDU is gay.

    @FiendGreat lad.

    @Metro Good luck Serra THICC.

    @WeeabooPretty good shaak ti, damn good friend.

    @RyanzabbyWhat a savage.

    @FreckLove you child.

    @Vexgood lad.

    @SnowWill make a great BCMD. <3

    @WashingtonGreat lad <3

    @ThexanGreat Ahsoka and great lad. <3

    @FaoeoaCan't believe I forgot my old RC/Windu boi. Much love <3


    Me right now: https://imgur.com/gallery/TXpPT



    @Llama/Yoda ? you were the first person I looked up to on the server when I was new. I'll never forget the favors and advice you've given. #BestDefRegCMD

  5. S1:E1 AMBUSH Starwars: The Clone Wars

     During this episode we see some troopers in phase 1 armor with red markings. I'm thinking okay now that I know a little more about the different battalions and their Jedi and what not due to what I see on synergy I've not remembered these guys. They are traveling with yoda. They surely can't be 41st? One of them is equipped with a Z6. (MuSt Be DoOmS uNiT) Beautiful people of synergy i call upon you to lend me your knowledge. Dip me in the depth of lore. Who are these guys and what battalion is this?


  6. Just now, Apache4k said:

    Instead of laying everything on you getting Doom. Give us examples or plans of what youd like to do or see to build the battalion in general. 


    Because you say your are devoted to DU, but the tone says your devoted to Doom. 

    I have.  Its already been stated what I plan to do for the battalion IF I get it.

    @everyone who thinks I'm thinking I'm getting doom. I realized my tone in my going seemed this way in my typing but everyone reads things in their head their own way.  What I'm actually saying is IF I get doom I plan on doing this for the battalion. Not when I get doom this is what's happening. Again I apologize for making it seem that way. 

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