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Posts posted by Camilo

  1. 3 hours ago, TTRaven said:

    -1 He lied to me for a whitelist, we were doing an event and there was flying, 1. He started flying as a heavy 2. He said he was pilot trained and I check the docs and he wasn’t 3. When ever I tied to talk to him and figure out the situation he just kept yelling at me saying that he was, when the docs says he wasn’t. 

    And yes the event turned to ANYONE can fly but he lied and the next day he was a heavy again

    This is false whoever is in charge of pilot docs had never added me as a formal pilot, however, I've been pilots for multiple battalions on synergy and refuse before the switch. I was never made aware of such docs and therefore I did not pursue a name on a doc. A simple mistake on a few peoples parts. however, there is more to this story with TTRaven and he has literally been following me on the server telling me what I can and cannot do. I will be happy to speak with anyone about this situation at any time as I have much to say about it. 

  2. RP Name: Camilo

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:71464042

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Timezone: EST

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Being an admin helps me protect and take care of the server that I've come to know and love as Synergy RP. I know A lot of people on this server and it would do me the greatest honor to help preserve the integrity of the serious RP environment. Recently I was removed from staff for inactivity and it's understandable as I had IRL stuff going on. Now that I have things settled down I can move my focus back to staff and taking care of the server with all the other admins. I want nothing but progress for this server and I want to do my part. 

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm just a guy who loves a good community. once I find my niche in a place I put my all into it. I do a good bit of Photoshop and would love to maybe one-day design stuff for servers such as Synergy.

    Do you have any previous staff experience? Previously I was a Smod on Icefuse before you know. After that, I was an Admin on Synergy. 



  3. Just now, WindowsXP said:


    +100 This guy who gave people who were sick of IFN and a place to go on GMOD needs to be taken down. No longer shall the best community on GMOD be a thing. Good Riddens.

  4. Hey everyone. I have something important I'm about to post. Keep a look out while I try and figure this out.
    Hey everyone, I'm open to take suggestions and requests for any design or image you want created. Send me a message if your interested.
    All proceeds will go to the Red Cross Foundation for people affected by the hurricane.
    So this is a personal buisness i have on facebook it generally doesnt get a lot of attention but this is something i feel like i should do to try and help out with
    if you go on your facebook you can search @GrapejuiceSTU
    that will direct you to my page ( or so it says)
    or just follow the link. 
    I appreciate any and all questions as this is no longer for a personal benefit but for a greater cause.
    if you could please share my post about the hurricane and the Red Cross Foundation so that i can reach as many people as possible
    Thank you for your consideration and time


    • Agree 2
  5. So i talked to caboose about this and we discussed what had happened. Caboose has been put in a very comprimising situation with his home life. He will not be back on from a month to a couple months. Please keep this in mind as he's absent from the server and before removing him from any positions that he has/ may have. Thank you guys for your cooperation.

    (for formality)

    Name: Caboose

    Length of LOA: Unknown

    Reason: Home situation

    Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: yes

    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yes


    Side note: please keep caboose in your thoughts/prayers. I may end up making a go fund me for him. ill let you guys know.

    • Agree 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, Prominence said:

    An app costs 100 dollars to put on the Apple Store a year and google play is a 25 dollar flat fee and it stays there permanently. If the upper management is willing to pay that price then +1. 

    (Idea) we could do an annual donation incentive. Make an event out of it. 

  7. Hello everyone. My name is Nicholas. You all know me by Camilo. I've been around for a few months and haven't formally introduced myself. I am 19 in the South East USA. I enjoy technology and nature. I am self taught in Photoshop and have a pretty good amount of skill at it. I make banners and avatars for various social media and would be glad to make yours. I joke around a lot but when it is time to get serious I get serious. You'll find I'm very loyal to a cause that I believe in and when I'm passionate about something you will be able to tell. This community has been a great escape from a shitty reality that I live in and I'm ultimately grateful for this virtual home. I wish this community the best of luck as we continue this journey back to the number one community in Garrys Mod. I love every single one of you and I'll do what I can to help everyone.

  8. Right now I'm on my phone writing this. I'm not gonna lie it was hard to navigate to this point. I would love to see a mobile app of the forums to make it easier. (It was hard to get here because I didn't know the exact url and Google isn't aware of the site yet. ) would love to see the app.  

  9. I feel like there should be a massive chat room for people to come and chill on inside the forum site. I feel like this would be a nice feature to have. Maybe multiple for certain discussions and such. either a chat room for a individual page. idk. But i would like to see something of the sorts. 

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