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Everything posted by Alfa

  1. -1 had no idea what was going on, tried my best to work with it though.
  2. Name: Alfa Who helped (If applicable): Event Name: Jakobi Games Summary of the story: Jakobi, with full control over the resolute's systems bring once again terror upon the ship with the quarren virus. He then hyperspaces the Resolute into CIS territory to make the Resolute have to engage the CIS. What was the result of the event?: Resolute hyperspaces and escaped battle Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: both
  3. no that part was not planned, never had people shoot debrief up they just did it on their own accord.
  4. Name: Alfa Who helped (If applicable): ROGUE,ArgonFillips,Ragen,Cookies,Cordis Event Name: Jakobi Games Summary of the story: A base ops commander has come to the ship bringing in very exciting news regarding the new moves for the Resolute. He has announced that the ship will be deploying into a secret base in which only a few individuals know of including him. A ceremony is created in honor of Naval for the service that they have given the troops throughout the ship. Once the base ops commander is ready to release the coordinates of the new base, he is then assassinated by Jakobi and chaos ensues. What was the result of the event?: Jakobi was released, and the base ops commander was assasinated Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: both
  5. I'm really not sure what to say, I mean I kinda stand by what I said in chat. If I'm going to take the time to spawn some NPC's id rather just make an event for everyone at that point since it would involve the whole server and hosting events is something only select admins can do. I've done my fair share of spawning in Citadel, at this point I would rather host an event for the entire server then do that. I clearly was not in the mood to do either or at the time, and I have the right to say no to that. I understand I probably should have helped you find someone, but I don't go for the point that I'm lazy or don't care to help other players. I've been an admin for a while and I have accumulated over 650 tickets, I think I've helped people and I will continue to do so. Last and most importantly, I am here to help the server whether that's hosting events or helping players out and I enjoy doing that. That being said, I have the right to say no. I won't be forced to do anything that I do not want to do, because the moment that I am I will resign. At the end of the day, this is a video game, and I enjoy playing it and helping the community out. I have the right to dictate where my time goes, and what I want to do with it even if it's doing nothing. I am not your slave This is a game, not a job. I help cause i want to, not because i have to. -------------------- Take the time to read staff resignations on the forums, the game turns into a job and it drains them. The mentality that staff are people who work for you instead of with you needs to change. Staff are the ones who help the server, but remember they are real people just like you. You are a New Admin, and hopefully one day when you get high up in the staff ranks you can look back at this and get something different out of it. Much love. -Alfa
  6. Lets see https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=722374307
  7. Name: Alfa Who helped (If applicable): nade,tristan Event Name: Jakobi Games Summary of the story: Jakobi, decided to come aboard the Resolute and once again terroize the ship. He used many bombs in many different places. He later led them to joby, who was a slave that has been tortured by jakobi for the past 10 years What was the result of the event?: Joby was killed by jakobi Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: PassiveRP
  8. Name: Alfa Who helped (If applicable): KJ,stix,blank,kazuto Event Name: Quarren Trust Summary of the story: Trandoshan was experimenting on quarren biology, after several years of experimentation he developed a new species. These deformed quarren were vicious and seemed to be the perfect weapon against anyone who threatens him. A quarren in the middle of the deformation process was found in the base and was later killed due to negligence. Once the troopers got back onto the ship the LAAT in which they were in seemed to have been rigged with several canisters of a the viral bacteria found in the deformed quarren What was the result of the event?: The quarren were fought off and killed, cure was adminstered due to the trando givnig up his secret recipe. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up
  9. Name: Alfa Who helped (If applicable): Rogue,Garo Event Name: Race Secrets Summary of the story: A race organization was under the radar of the Republic and was found. Troopers came in and started racing against the company and found a torture chamber in the station that they were in. Very sketchy invidiuals were then caught and questioned resulting in the CIS attacking to help defend the integrity of the organization. What was the result of the event?: Race ended money was lost, CIS was killed Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: both
  10. Name: Alfa Who helped (If applicable): Spooky,Bolt Event Name: Shooty Shooty Summary of the story: Infection due to droids then republic then hyperspaced and met with the CIS in which they had to defend the ship. What was the result of the event?: Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: The most shootemup event possible
  11. Alfa

    Alfa | Operation Tak

    nah, you did well ship would of blown up regardless so I could link this event with my Jako series. Only thing I said is that the ship is going to blow regardless.
  12. Name: Alfa Who helped (If applicable): wicked,arroyo,blank,kurama,miguz,spooky,raider,sock,kazuto,skeeti Event Name: Operation Tak Summary of the story: CIS took over a Venator and decided to camp out on it. It was known that there was a Commodore who was held hostage to help manage the ship. Troopers were sent to rescue the Commodore and take back the ship. The hypermatter was rigged to blow yet there was way to many bombs to be able to defuse. Once Sockerino was killed the bomb was then activated to blow and the ship went down. What was the result of the event?: Venator was destroyed, troopers escaped Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: both
  13. I mean when I wanted an event to happen before I was admin, was that I would contact a game master and pitch them my idea. What ended up happenign was that, I ended up applying to staff because I wanted my idea to come to fruition and I eventually made it myself. Ask a game master, and if its a good idea they will do it ( if they arent lazy).
  14. Name: Alfa Who helped (If applicable): Jacien,Hero,Raider,Bolt,Reddy Event Name: Psychology Experiment Summary of the story: A group of droids doing a research study on different species due to beheavior was conducted outside the ship. 5 troopers were questioned and asked questions and were given a score. A distrust was built which then led to the conflict of the CIS coming in and attacking the ship do to this. Once the troopers got back on the ship the LAAT that they were in was bombed and that iniated the retaliation of the droids QUESTIONS ASKED IN THE EXPERIMENT: Would you consider having a relationship with an droid that looks like a human? If you needed emergency surgery, would you agree to be operated on by a machine? Do you think one day machines could develop consciousness? What was the result of the event?: Experiments were made, Droids were killed Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: both
  15. Breaks are good, take them.
  16. Alfa

    Alfa | Yulieing

    Name: Alfa Who helped (If applicable): Skeeti,Wagner,Raider,Dod, Event Name: Yulieing Summary of the story: Admiral Yularen was taken hostage by a group of smugglers who decided to board the ship and negotiate his release. They had him trapped in the base of the smugglers and had tried to negotiate. Null came in and rescued Yularen while the ship exploded. Backup was called to retrieve yularen by the CIS What was the result of the event?: Yularen was rescued Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both
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