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Everything posted by Shakes.

  1. Shock just sitting here like Do we get a say? Idk +1 basops is dead. -1 more shit for Shock to get yelled at for. Over all I see both sides and really I dont know.
  2. Shakes.

    Senate Guards

    Only if they are a part of Shock. Have them as a part of Shock is not lore friendly but it is a better move for game play. Good troopers within Shock can tryout for it, this way Shock and the commandos are all on the same page.
  3. Yeah what are you using to determine times. -1 though
  4. Shakes.

    501st Pilot Job

    Holy shit a 104th not being selfish about pilots good for you man thankd for making the server a much better place by being willing to let others have a chance at pilots. You are a Hero. The only argument about the pilots is that they removed them. Yeah they removed them over 6 months ago and they where removed by members that are not around anymore. Shit changes get over the "You removed your pilots" argument. Phat +1 Also my post for a general pilot job got approved but idk.
  5. Shakes.


    My inner Fox says yes remove it. But a lot of people love the knife and it may be hard to change mind. Idk I cant pick neutral
  6. Shakes.

    Void Please

    -1 this app is overly fluffed all you did was say the same things multiple times and you did not even say very much. Spark notes from what I am reading. Cross battalion training, battalion activity, And battalion relations. - All of Spec is active and is already well structured. - Cross training as been attempted count less time and failed every time. Not even just will I was Fox and not only this Reg. - Battalion relations is not needed. The over all relation is not bad at the moment. The communication could be improved but that not something you need a Reg for. I also have douts about your abilities to run a Reg I dont know about your time as Med but your super short time as Woffle left much to be desired. More over this Regiment is not in a bad a spot as much as this app makes it sound it is. Its actually in an amazing stop.
  7. Now you are free like me muhaha. Ill see you around man.
  8. -1 building a good officer corps is not an over night job espesially if no one is a good pick for officer. These reports look more like people bitching about not getting their way. The admiral is your boss when you join Baseops try to support him instead of blaming him. I have seen people with much less time in game stay as a good commander. Hours in game do no always reflect work behind the sceens anyone can AFK on Gmod and look as though they have a fuck ton of hours. Stop using this hours bullshit its not a valid argument. Most of what I see in your doc is opinions and not much evidence. You have 9 officers that more then Shock at some points when I was Fox and it took me alost a full term to build a good group of officers with lossing many good ones along the way. It seems more like baseops members as a whole are not helping at all and you are blaming Boutineer. Don't ask why he is not promoting officers ask what are yall doing to earn that promotion, why are you worth it, what have you helped with and done. I agree that the way thing are run should change but removal is not the way to go.
  9. Is this a power play? +1 man you got this.
  10. Battalion: Shock/CG RP Name: Battalion Commander Fox Date: 12/9/2018 Reason: The classic story of not having fun anymore. I told myself I would stay Fox for as long as possible because Shock needed a leader that didn't dip after a month. at this point I have been Fox for 109 days almost three and a half months and I am greeting to that point that getting on the server is almost a pain and I want to do other things. So to end this off I am leaving the position of Fox. Goodbyes: Ima hang around but thank you to everyone for making my time as Fox fun and interesting. Who knows I may come back after a while. @UneJamMut Get back in your hole and finish those docs. If you run for Fox you need be more of a commanding presence @Ratio You may come off as a dick to everyone else but I know you are an honest and nice person. love that laugh. If you run for Fox you need to lighten up a little in game goober. @Asus Keep up the amazing work you are a blast to have in the battalion. Keep forming your self into an amazing Commander. @Crimson Trash Reg but your a great friend. Don't you run for Fox goober @Gret Briddlehide You have really shown me that you can be a Commander keep up what you have been doing and you will make it. Dazed, Swift, Slump, and Dam. You are all amazing officers work for that rank and some day yall may run this shit. @Zim Inactive Pilot. Shock your all goobers and your inactive but I love all of you. PS Im not @ everyone cuz im still going to hang around. But If I like you then you know it.
  11. Shakes.


    I agree with my fellow Spec BCMDs. Now for my views. - It seem all you have as a plan is to do training and have us all get more buddy buddy. That ain't It chief I would like to see more concrete Ideas. - You have yet to try and make contact with and get to know my self or my Battalion I can't speak for Wolffe and Doom but that me. - It looks to me as though you have branched out very little and not gotten to know really anyone other then the members of DU. - Ill bring this up again you resigned for DU because being an XO was to much for you. How are you going to be a REG? -1
  12. True lets get Zim to make this it should take him a year or so +1 and bottom less clips for the basters
  13. Or and just hear me out on this ooor just give one of you a med kit. Less coding and you get it faster.
  14. +1 dont be a goober you goober ❤
  15. Gets the riot teams ready
  16. Personaly just as someone that has stayed a BCMD and not gone for a REG because of what I see happen with REGs. Most get the possition and want to go full force then after a week or two they die off and just chill or dont do shit. Idk if its the people or the position but Fizzik is right the value of the position needs to be increased. Regs need to take control more and improve RP. They need to be a leader not just a figure head.
  17. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:58570489 RP Name: Shock Battalion Commander Fox Battalion: Shock Who is in command until you return?: XO Stone | UneJamMut Length of Absence: 5 days max until this weekend. Ill probs be back sooner. Taking a break. Ill be back 😉
  18. Add in some cool IEDs so you can mess up the other side.
  19. I hope ill still see you around my guy. o7 ❤
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