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Everything posted by Twelves

  1. This is not worthy of a commander report, this is a petty issue that should have been sorted within PM's. Since Maymays has became Admiral he and his command core have been doing some fat work, so your point of him being lazy, as well as having no proof makes your point invalid. I'm going to have to -1 this due to a lack of evidence that the current Admiralty is incompetent at his job and fails to uphold the standards expected of him. REFERENCES:
  2. Didn't ever get to actually talk to you, but hey, from the brief interactions I had with you, I could tell you were a really good guy, so seeya later pal.
  3. "Someone who has fucked up and has fixed their actions is better than someone who hasn't at all." -Llama and Snow Everyone has fucked themselves more than once in their lifetime, I can totally understand where you're coming from @Raider, school is starting to catch up to me as well, I got to prepare for IGSCE exams this year and take them the next, so I have a ton of work to do, like truckloads. If you need to dude, just take a break from the server and from the game, go play Halo or some shit, get your mind off your anxiety and have a good time.
  4. wait wtf why am i seeing this like a month later
  5. I am willing to give anybody a shot for SOBDE Regimental Commander, as long as they have a solid plan. In your application you mainly talk about wanting to repair relations between SOBDE and staff / the community, and I agree with you on this, it would be nice for our relations to be fixed, however you do not actually tell me how you plan on doing so? Will you be doing joint-training's? Will you be talking to other battalions? Will you make a survey on what we should improve on? However I don't blame you, most applications I have read over that were accepted / denied in the past did not actually have a solidified plan, they just said what the community wanted to hear, however due to your experience in other Commander positions, I am sure that you will be able to respond very quickly. You certainly know how to handle responsibility, as you currently hold the rank of Director, and have past experiences in other high spots like I stated in the paragraph above, so I have no doubt that if you were to receive the role you would not be a retard, and you would get work done, however before I place my vote, I would like to hear what your plans are, in detail. I would like to know what issues you intend to fix, how you intend to fix them, and how you plan to build a approachable reputation of the SOBDE that will appeal to the Community's needs. I also have been informed by RANCOR ARC BCMD Blitz that you stepped down from your Rancor position due to you not being able to get on enough, I would like you to address these concerns before I place my vote. Good luck! +/- Neutral
  6. If someome in a bcmd position is not doing the amount of work expected of him, he should be reported. Fuck this icefuse copycat shit, lets become unique lol +1
  7. Can't wait for the day this bites us in the ass. "A community run by the players, for the players"
  8. What the fuck? The idea is to allow people to apply to better the server without having to slave away taking tickets and training CC's, not pay for power? Hello??????????????????
  9. Not many options to choose from in the first section lul.
  10. Twelves

    The Bad Batch

    Seeya later Foxtrot.
  11. There will be a day when all of this shit will come and bite us in the ass. The server goes hours and hours without events, especially during downtime hours, I would apply for Gamemaster, but I have no intention of applying for staff and turning this server into a job. I come on here to play and to have fun with the boys, this shit has been suggested by the PLAYERS FOUR TIMES, Synergy is meant to be "A community driven by the players" Well it seems that the players want this to happen, or at least give it a go, but hey lul, the Gamemaster team will just get worse and worse and in a few months time decent events will be nonexsistent.
  12. What type of actual beneficial training's can you do as a non gamemaster though? Excluding roleplay sessions and shit like that.
  13. For gamemasters, alot of people are put off on becoming a gamemaster because the requirement of having to become staff. There is a huge difference between gamemaster and staffing, as a Gamemaster, you can still have loads of fun doing it, but as a staff member you are signing up for a virtual job. I believe that it would be beneficial to start recruiting from the normal playerbase, just because we're not Staff does not mean that we are not willing to assist the server in our own way. Have an intense application process, have interviews, if the gamemaster managers are competent then there should be no untrustworthy people in the gamemaster position. Another put off, this may just be for me, but I suspect not. I would become staff on the server and lend a hand, but I'm not going to be advertising Synergy Servers in my steam name. I play on other communities, and other games, where I do not want to be recognized as a staff member of a Garry's Mod Server lol. Icefuse and Synergy are literally the only two relatively popular communities that still do this shit, take a look at other servers, they don't make their Staff put their server name in their steam name, and look at how they're doing staff-wise. There are also a lot of restrictions on certain staff ranks, and there are honestly a tag bit too many. End of the day lads, this is GMOD, not a Company, we all saw how that turned out on Icefuse. I would be glad to serve as a staff, or give gamemaster a shot, but I'm not going to spend months grinding just to meet the requirements to even apply for gamemaster, or to have the power to do things as Staff. I hope one day Synergy gives my ideas a shot, as we can only benefit as a community.
  14. +1 was fun as fuck, except for the server being on 1.8 tick for most of the event.
  15. +1 Bacara has failed to meet the minimal standards of being a Commander, he has let his battalion slowly drink poison while standing there letting it happen. Activity in the GM's has been little-to-none as of late, the stupid tryout broadcasts claiming your better than other battalions, and the general ignorance of the Commander has all led to this point.
  16. Would be nice if normal community players could apply for gamemasters instead of having to climb up the staff ranks, being a GM can be extremely fun, but since all of the GM team is staff I'm pretty sure a fair amount of them feel forced to do events to keep their shit LUL. I would apply for GM, I have no intention of turning this server into a job so I'll never become staff, and I'm pretty sure that's why others don't bother slugging through the staff ranks just to get GM, too much stuff to go through to get one role.
  17. +1, really had fun, event jobs actually had a role instead of just being sent in to die and kill shit.
  18. Greetings and Salutations Firstly, I joined the community around last month, I joined RC in the following days, I am going to be as genuine as possible, in my playtime, the max amount of Naval I've seen on is 3, I have seen one tryout being hosted, and I have yet to even be granted the opportunity to say hello to the Admiral himself. I understand that people get burnt out, because I have experienced burnout, but it is painfully obvious that the current Admiralty is flat out incompetent, and fails to meet the minimum standards of being a Naval Officer. Secondly, the lack of an authoritative Naval presence during prime time, as well as downtime, is flat out horrible. I was not here for the Naval Purge, and so I have the opportunity to be unbiased. I genuinely believe that it is ignorant to remove the entirety of your competent-fully functioning Officer Corps, there is no justification for removing a group of dedicated, competent, and passionate individuals for no reason, and the fact that Skeeti has failed to follow-up and begin recruiting new Officers or Naval just goes to show that Skeeti is painfully imprudent. Thirdly, directed towards the Admiralty himself, it is disrespectful and extremely selfish to out-right copy & paste a document, edit in one sentence, and then claim it as your own without giving anybody else credit. As the Admiral, and figurehead for Navy, I would expect the individual to be self-less, and putting his battalion in front of his own personal gain, however regarding Skeeti, he has shown on multiple occasions that he will not ever have Navy as first priority on his list, ever. This is not a personal attack, as I've yet to interact with Skeeti on a social-level, simply stating my realistic views. Not mad, just disappointed. +1
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