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Everything posted by Nyon

  1. Then make a suggestion removing them and replacing them with something else.
  2. Nyon

    Assassin Blades

    It's not, I don't know if you interpreted wrong or it's my error, but I couldn't find a vibro blade, but I could of sworn I have found one before on the workshop. While I am at school that is the closest I could find to a viable weapon for this suggestion. My apologies if worded it weirdly!
  3. Can't help ya in temple guard, but I can coach you to help pass naval.
  4. Nyon

    Assassin Blades

    I looked on the workshop as far as an assassin blade goes this is the closest, up to you if you would want to place that to oppose what you have there as a weapon, I thought I remember seeing a vibroblade on the workshop, I couldn't find anything else on my phone though. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=357205143&searchtext=Hidden+blade
  5. Rip, atleast I didn't go for a second term @Dr.PJ Kappa
  6. I reintroduced the consulars and guardians though. I'm probably the only 1 day windu too, Lmao. Listen here they gave you shit because I would call them out for being inactive.
  7. Atleast you said Joah and other master, atleast you remove that I did stuff. Also good luck on failing RC tryouts on faces.
  8. Opinion: Would help with Jedi to know if I am actually hitting people during spars or events. My statement as a Tester: Pros: It will help people tell if they are hitting people with Lightsaber, which will help a lot of people improve with the current lightsaber system. The health can help medics know who to heal, and help Null/RC whenever they are trying to torture someone and don't want to necessarily kill them. Cons: Not seeing the actual Hud for the health and hearing the sound for the hitmarkers, the sound can be very annoying, the hid can clutter the screen and just show useless stuff when you are trying to kill stuff. The only really good reason to add the health above the head if for the medics, so there isn't too much compelling factors. Final vote: Until I know more about the Hud and things it would be used for that I can't think of right now, +1 to only the hitmarkers.
  9. Opinion: Doesn't matter to me too much as they are only ever really used for tryouts and such. My statement as a Tester: Pros: Having more props in for hangars could bring forth lots of new ideas for battalion training and would even give us more stuff to roleplay with. Gives people more options to how they can customize their hangar, and that could possibly attract a CT who doesn't much about clonewars and is looking for a battalion. Cons: The hangar has a proplimit for a reason it is to make sure that the server does not lag really bad. You night not feel it, but maybe some lower end Pc's are. It could have absolutely no use and can just be a waste of space. We already have enough props and with them near other hangars near each other makes it FPS laggy for some. Final vote: -1, it could help with the lack of RP on the server however with the lag issue I don't believe it is a viable solution.
  10. Opinion: I love 187th was my first battalion, but having it back could be weird. My statement as a Tester: Pros: Having in a battalion with little canon lore could be nice as far as flexibility on what it can do and such Gives people more option. Cons: Battalions are already having issues with numbers, I feel as if this wouldn't help in the slightest. It is not canon what so ever. Final vote: Neutral, I feel as if actually adding it in would do no good for the server, Only give another battalion to try and fill.
  11. Prepare to do battle furry, for we must now fight. RC is SOBDE, but out main job is taking out furries
  12. True, Darmans life is tough
  13. I haven't done the math on when the son was conceived atleast compared to server time, but I still wouldn't get to see him, Kal takes him. I have no knowledge of a son for a while after he is born.
  14. +1 I saved Wak 47, He was boy. Zyner you the man with these fun events/Passive RP, keep it up dude.
  15. -1, I have had an experience that was not pleasant. We had asked you to change your name as it was "RexJr" I was told by a Head admin that your name was not suitable to have, I had informed you, you then proceeded to ignore me. I then had a head admin, a senior admin, and an admin in a channel with you and tell you that the name was not suitable, and at this point you took to tell us that we were wrong and that Rex told you, you could have this name. Now if you were just being hesitant that would have been fine, but you also tried to disrespect us. There were other things said, but it has been a bit since it happened so I will quote the only thing I remember you say, which was "You guy's sound like you are 20, you don't even know what memes are." There were some other rude comments that were thrown out, and even to the end you said you weren't going to keep your name change, I guess you changed your mind because it is now Junior. With all this being said I do not feel you are fit for staff, I feel as if you can not keep your cool in a situation which requires it, and you are also not mature enough for the position, consider you had changed your name to "T-rex jr" to spite us, and even messaged one of us "How do you like my new name?" Not ready for staff, a huge -1 for me. Also You did not put that 6 sentences as to why you wanted to be staff, and you did not put 3 to describe yourself.
  16. Understood, I just want to make sure your activity is good regimental, you understand
  17. Thanks for the information, I was genuinely curious
  18. I got that he is a director and if it prohibits him then I don't believe he should have the position, the play time thing is for recently my man. I am not talking in all, I know he has played the server. Also if that time is "All time" I just joined like a month and a half ago, He did good with the GM, hence why I said if activity picks up I will +1
  19. Nah, honestly you can make a post to change those guys, but first and foremost I can't support this if a dead man is leading it
  20. Regular photo before Ion team Tryouts Picture with Kal'buir <3 We got yoda to get on the picture (He didn't notice what we were doing, Lmao.) #inactive Omega
  21. -1 for now, I have only just recently saw you step up your activity in game, I will change if it sticks.
  22. My opinion: +1, I really like the idea of having a separate group such as Lightning squadron, just remove ponds since he is dead. What I think as a Tester: Pros: It would be good to have a lightning squadron, just like torrent company, and WolfPack It could possibly help with the 91st players. Cons: Ponds is dead Those are not meant to be Lightning squadron models. Could possibly be a waste of space and not get filled considering the numbers needed to get people in there. Final vote: +1, but remove ponds from there.
  23. Isn't it FailRP to not have a bathroom? :^)
  24. Bring back the bathroom, they don't need an office. Use TS
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