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GM Leadership
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Posts posted by Crimson

  1. Name: Crimson

    Who helped (If applicable): Sinister, Snadvich, Shockpoint, Frank, Noble, Carvis

    Event Name: The Meetings before the war.

    Event Doc: The Mandalorian Clan Elders met to discuss plans after they kill Maul. Clan Rau and Clan Rook during this  gathered intel on Maul and the Darksabers Location. The rest of the Clan are set to claim leadership for themselves or their Leaders.




  2. Honestly I agree with the statement that its on the person using it. I know many users of the RC Shotgun who use it as a last resort. Again im not saying you should not use something you or someone else payed 85$ for, You grinded the money one way or another. What I am saying is let remember this is a game and a community. 

    First point is that most factions are also members of the community. So say for instance the new CIS Faction just got a brand new member and he wants to rank up in the CIS faction. However every time he takes part in an operation he gets gunned down by a jetpacking clone with an RC shotgun. In most cases the jetpack user is going to use his full mobility to reach max speed. That is unreasonable to fight with the average reaction time. Now a counter argument would be is to fight smarter. I think that's a dumb argument in some cases. This is a game, you need to understand for this community to grow, you need to balance yourself. Take a L every once and a while so that others may enjoy it. Losing doesn't much in an RP game.

    Second point comes down arguments against the RC shotgun. How do we nerf it? This is a question Jad asked me and I had no answer at the time. You can not just say nerf it because that is vague and not a solution. "Well Lower the damage." Again, its 85$ worth of an investment. It can only be so low in damage due to the money people are spending. My personally solution is to lower the mobility so it only interferes with those who abuse other means to increase its effectiveness. 

    Again thats my two cents, Critical thinking results in logical solutions most of the time.

    • Agree 5
  3. Name: Crimson

    Who helped (If applicable): Sinister, Snadvich, Scarecrow

    Event Name: Forging a Life.

    A Mandalorian Enclave has brought some outsides to join their ways for an upcoming War to claim the Title of Mandalore.


  4. Name: Crimson

    RP Rank: Supreme Chancellor

    Suggestion: Adding some music from Ace Combat 7 to add more feels and generally good for use.

    Implementation: Adding Music. 






    Lore: None

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    Description: N/A

    (Provide the model string if on server Ex. models/player/synergy/cblake/ls_squad/ls_trp/lstrp.mdl (Get this from the Q menu)

    Weapons:   N/A                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          (If you want a modfication to a weapon/saber you must put the weapon string in the suggestion. Ex. tfa_e5 (Get this from the Q menu) 

    Other: c02d8459-f335-406e-a4c5-e514b82084c1


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