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Posts posted by Crimson

  1. Before I give my support or not, I am curious any some things from the problems mention by some of the 212th Members currently.

    Has any of these issues were first brought to you @Fyi ? 

    Second If they were not brought to you, Were they big enough to notice, such as the legacy member issue?
    And third, If there are major issues with his activity and or ability to take over, @Comics was this ever brought up to the previous BCMD before he left?

  2. -1 Lore or not, There is nothing saying that Ghost Company was any different form your basic 212th Trooper. Same for Torrent Company even though 501st treats them differently. That's just my opinion.  But the Lore on this server is a joke so lol.

    Honestly looking unique is a bit of an interesting reason for the change. To be honest you different armour markings to the regular 212th and you mesh really well with the rest of the BAT. Its the same with Torrent Company with the 501st. They are the same with different markings. The Black and Orange just sceams make me special and that is coming from Omega. Again Best of luck Comics but I do not think this will make a difference to making it better.

    • Agree 1
  3. To the Bounty Hunters killing people, That is what cause them to be hated and harrassed with 24/7 raids over metagamed intel. just saying, Nothing is wrong with passive rp ran by players. +1

  4. On 6/8/2020 at 10:41 PM, Reborn said:

    -1 its already super strong its more unneeded than anything I thinks its in a good spot


    On 6/9/2020 at 8:29 AM, Ratio said:

    It was actually around this damage upon the initial release of the newer weapons system. The damage was balanced with the slow fire rate, making the weapon just not feel right because of how fast it's supposed to shoot. Out of fear of the firing speed getting nerfed for balance, I'm going to -1 this.

    I like shoot fast k

    To address the Super strong aspect of the DC-17m. The DC-17m suffers from damage drop off and spread, At greater ranges it suffers which is what the weapon is suppose to do. However in the areas in which it's suppose to be better at which is close range it lacks in that regard. Now I am not saying it is an awful weapon by any means. However it loses to the westar in close range.

    To Address the possibility of the Weapon ROF being nerfed and the bottom line of DMG me and Ectera agreed on was 40 if the ROF was going to be nerfed at all. That's a two Damage Difference and makes that decent amount of difference towards close range and doesn't make it amazing like the Westar.

  5. Name: Crimson | Niner

    RP Rank: BCMD | Squad Lead

    Suggestion: Increase the DMG for the DC-17m to 42 from 38

    Implementation: Change the Damage on the DC-17m to 42

    Lore: What Lore Pepega

    Workshop content if applicable: Nope
    (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")

    If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following

    Add or Change: All RC including Omega, Delta, Bad Batch, and Foxtrot
    (Any job modification requires all this information)

    Job: Its a weapon change.........

    Slots:  Like a Coin Slot?

    Description: Lego Gun go Pew

    (Provide the model string if on server Ex. models/player/synergy/cblake/ls_squad/ls_trp/lstrp.mdl (Get this from the Q menu)

    Weapons:  cc2018_dc17m                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

    Other: Me and Siege tested it. The DC-17m and Westar firing at the same time, The Westar wins with 85hp leftover. ;-; Also keep in mind that the DC-17m has a huge Damage Drop off.

  6. +1 Even though you hold a high Position on the Server, I would rather see if you could balance the job. If you can great if not there is always another candidate. I do not think the -1s for being HoA is a huge issue since most of his work is background. You were good a preparing someone for the BCMD position such as in the case as Blood I think you could offer a different prospective as BCMD. Just my opinion but good luck to both of you.

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