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Posts posted by Kain

  1. 21 minutes ago, Zahariel said:

    Jedi can do group based Force Trick, IE Mace, Obi and Anakin using at all together on Cad Bane. Jedi can Interrogate, just not Torture. In an example, If I was on my consular, and had to interrogate a Sith. "So, according to your view on the force, Strength and Power are important yes?" "-Unintelligible Sith Screeching-" "These are things you appear to lack, for you now sit my prisoner. Tell me, what would your master do to you if he knew you had been so easily captured? He may even just assume you gave up." "-Grows quiet and nervous.-" "You fear your master more than me, no? So If I were to release you in a few days, no worse for wear, yet striped of your blade... What do you think your master would do?"

    What I'm getting at is with a creative mind, words can be just as useful as blades or instruments.




    • Agree 2
  2. 9 minutes ago, aStonedSparks said:

    "The warrant officer is a highly skilled technician who is provided to fill those positions above the enlisted level which are too specialized in scope to permit effective development and continued utilization of broadly trained, branch qualified commissioned officers."


    That is real life, and fucking additionally, there is no limit. There can be 20 WO from what I'm being told.

  3. 38 minutes ago, aStonedSparks said:

    What do we think about adding a position called JWO (Junior Warrant Officer) and SWO (Senior Warrant Officer) in which would retain the respect and authority of our previous SMB? I'm all about compromise and allowing as much freedom within the battalions as long as it is practical and makes lore sense. Discuss.

    Because an SMB had very specific duties. Officer can have multiple different duties, but now that it's making an SMB just a filler position completely, it renders it useless. The reason why an SMB on THIS not some fucking military SIM or fucking real life, is because a lot of battalions have a whole lot of care for their SMB. I know at least a few battalions that take weeks to months considering their next SMB. An SMB deserves the same amount of respect that an officer Does, there is a reason why you can only have one SMB and unlimited Majors. The job of an SMB is important and quite frankly, removing the power to this rank basically just makes it a CSM rank under a different name with the same authorities. Just keep this in mind, this is not real life. Why change something the community liked and often supported for no reason at all?

  4. 7 minutes ago, Venom said:





    You're welcome.

    You're not getting what I am saying. In those cases That "criticism" was literally just saying I'm doing things wrong without specifying. Every single fucking time drama happens, I instantly start trying to fix It, talking with Trig, multiple talks with Llama, talking to Reaper. But somehow I don't take any criticism? And I'm baffled where I can't take shit seriously or I don't have any patience. That is why I'm finding this bullshit.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Venom said:

    This shit is why I fucking blasted you. All you do is pull the fucking victim card and cry your little eyes out when people call you out. They gave you plenty of things to fucking fix. So fucking shape up.

    -1 Not fit to be staff if he maintains the victim card personality.

    Then why am I fucking not told huh? It's hard to fix shit without being told what the fix.

  6. Fuck this. Close it. I'm tired of bullshit following me and telling me that I can't fucking take feedback when I'm not told what to fix at all. The biggest reason I want to be staff is to help bring a lot of originality because I noticed that I can't always bring my ideas to a game makers and I wanted to work for that. To say that I have no patience is bullshit, for a year and 7 months I worked in the 501st to eventually get to my position and I didn't quit once. And my reputation exceeds me? For wanting to help not only with game makers about helping around with stories and all of this but wanting to really help with application processes on Game makers (because I'm really dedicated to helping them). I also wanted to help with the very tainted image that staff have on them. I want to help them. And the only time I don't take criticism is when I know completely that something is bullshit, so I defend myself. You can ask Jackson or Woeny that is listen to a shit ton of their criticism and from many many other people. 

  7. You're a good leader and obviously capable, but the event is very lackluster for a proposal. Don't sell yourself short, take a look at the new possible event maps and make something immersive, not just a shoot em up. You can make very impact shoot 'em ups, I've made them many times in the past. What I want to see is your originality and creativity to ensure you can be a successful game maker. However, unless there's a lot more detail, I'll stay with this opinion. 

    -1, lack of story.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Creator said:

    I'm going to have to -1 this, From all I know you are someone who is incapable of having patience... From what it seems by your app you don't want to wait the time to climb your way through the ranks of staff with dedication to the server and effort... The way you have worded it makes it seem you just want the Staff Rank and to be at the top instantly... "I also wish to help with managing the staff as I've seen a lot of issues in the staff team consistently being brought up almost every single day and it really gets me heated" This is only showing your impatience to work amongst the New Admins and come to them as a friend to help them and you would rather "boss" them. If you can reword this so that I can have a full understanding of your capabilities I'd be more than happy to give it support, but for now I'm going to give my honest opinion.

     Edited. Came off differently than intended. This should give a better understanding of what I was trying to say.

  9. RP Name: 501st Legion SMB Jesse

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:68089714 

    Age: 17

    Gender: How dare you ask (Male)

    Timezone: GMT -4

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): The main reason why I truly wish to become an administrator is to direct myself to the game makers branch. I've found many issues and I wish to help and assist a lot with the game makers. In the past, I've worked with many different game makers (Even Joah at one point ;) ) and I feel like I can give some advise and help how to make the game makers branch even better. On the other hand, I also wish to help with keeping entertainment, finding out ways to entertain players without the use of events and try to create small and interesting roleplay scenario. I also wish to help give advise to lower ranking staff, there's been a lot of issues that players have been consistently addressing and I wish to personally address them and give fair criticism. There's a lot of taint right now against staff and I want to help rebuild that image. So, in short, I wish to entertain the player base through more options and build the view on lower ranking staff personally with them.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm usually describes as someone who can come off as really goofy, but when the time comes, I can be very mature and know when to make the right decision. I am a very strict person and don't take bullshit. I'm a very heavy roleplayer and have played on various strict role-playing servers in the past (such as DayZRP). I'm a massive fan of lore in Star Wars and trying to bring immersion. I love writing stories and trying to find new and original ideas. That's me.

    Do you have any previous staff experience? I once was a head admin on a DarkRP server for a few months a long time ago.


    Also, I'm currently on an LOA until Monday. However, I can probably squeeze in doing my interview during that time if I get accepted. Addition, upon my return, I'll get one of my two slaves from the 501st to train me on being a trainer.

  10. This will be a very similar situation to Soul's application. I'll just put most of the same thing over here. 

    I'm going to be very blunt. I feel that anyone who is proposing to be a gamemaker, you really should try to be as original as possible. There isn't a reason, a motive, a story or anything in this event. If you want to propose an event to something like game maker, make it really in detail. Have something that pleases both sides; incredible roleplay and incredible firefights. Don't just limit yourself to an idea on the venator, you can think of one of the event maps. One thing you lack in with this event is motive, they don't just come on to a random venator for random data, that's far too risky and costy. Think realistically.

    Right now what we need the most is really heavy roleplay because we are really, really lacking it on the server.

    Additionally, people overuse having Asajj and Dooku together. They RARELY fought with each other.

    So, until I see change in it, I will give a...


  11. I'm going to be very blunt. I feel that anyone who is proposing to be a gamemaker, you really should try to be as original as possible. Now, that being said, you do have the interesting aspect of adding the one-life event aspect, but everything else is unoriginal. There isn't a reason, a motive, a story or anything. If you want to propose an event to something like game maker, make it really in detail. Have something that pleases both sides; incredible roleplay and incredible firefights. Don't just limit yourself to an idea on the venator, you can think of one of the event maps. 

    So, until I see change in it, I will give a...


  12. It's a good concept, but I have a strong feeling this can be executed very poorly. My major recommendation is when it comes to tooling with them, don't make it very obvious. So, instead of just going, "YOU ARE NOW TRAPPED, GUARDS, FETCH." do this. Have them just locked in there. Cut out the lights (Increase fog) and have panic spout. Start opening negotiations and eventually bring out a detail which says there is a traitor among the troopers. This is spout distrust and panic. Through the entire time, continue to toy with them, make them think anything could happen. At some point, overload their comms with seering sounds so they can't communicate. Pretty much, really fuck with them. Nearing the end of the toying, make it so he begins his departure and activates the droid factory. This is when all the battalions will get ambushed and attacked at once. Then in a minute in, set the factory to self-destruct.

    You say you want RP, but you need to be careful about how to weave a shoot 'em up into a RP scenario.

  13. I think @aStonedSparks might be a bit of an idiot. Not only did 501st use jetpacks in the past, but my deal is with something else. Marines ARE NOT the only one who can survive in space. At all. The phase 2 clone trooper armor only required an additional respitory. We saw this being used during the battle of Ringo Vinda.

    Still love You, Sparks. I'm just a lorewhore

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