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Posts posted by Kain

  1. +1, Max, you've been one of the most influential individual I've ever met since back when you were a Vice Admiral.  You and I have roleplayed together so many times since that point and you showed so much care to the community that surrounded you. You've always been a person that I've cared for a lot, but I rarely see you do things now. All I've seen is the tournaments. Quite frankly, it's sad from what I remember. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Metro said:

    You come in my IR after I tell you to leave you end up getting a knife in the chest..... ecksdeeee. I only usually kick people out so I can actually RP with the guy rather than having 20+ people in the IR, a lot easier for it to be me and another Null/RC. Maybe Wolfpack or something.

    Wolf pack don't do interrogations ECKKS DEE

  3. Also, @Fiend, I just want to say. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just being honest of how I feel. While you're in an elite squad, it can be a MASSIVE jump to become the battalion commander. That's really the only reason why I might see the lack of leadership because you didn't show much of it during your time as a 2ndLT. You showed how to be a good friend, but you've never really shown me how to lead well. But I know you're a good guy but you really need to prove that you're actually ready for this position. There's been a lot of people that get through the application process and everyone feels like it will do great but it ends in fires. There's a reason I'm very supportive for Woeny and Jackson, they know the complete ins and outs of the battalion. Plus, you haven't really been with the 501st, you kinda just hop in and meme. You don't do training with us, you don't do PT like Cipher did, nor do you join the events. So, don't take it to heart, Fiend. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Weeaboo said:

    Fiend isnt actually new he was 501st when I was

    I already know that. I'm just pointing out that Jackson and Woeny has been working really hard for this. I know this sounds harsh, but Fiend really just comes in to meme a few times than leaves. I like him as a person, but as HRO, I never really saw too much potential.

  5. 1 hour ago, Faoeoa said:

    godspeed, be the first fucking battalion to nail SMB since Yukon was my SMB ;-;




    Of fucking course. That is until like a few months, you munchkin cunt.

  6. +1, he's helped the battalion out so much and he's a really competent person. He knows his limitations and tries to employ teamwork at all times. Like I said, it's hard to pick Jackson or Woeny, but at least Woeny is an important medic.

    • Agree 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Reaper said:

    Kain im posting this at 530 in the morning so here it goes. as a friend uve bein always great to me. as a battlion commander u were great as well u gave the 501st a great system and im going to miss seeing you as rex but why the hell did you pick smb as your rank in game lol.

    So I can show these cunts how to actually be a fucking SMB.

  8. Don't take it personally, Fiend. We are good friends but I just really don't feel you're cut out for that line of work yet. You should rejoin and try to go up the officer ranks. There was a reason you were at 2ndLT for a long time. Additionally, I feel Jackson or Woeny deserve that title beyond anyone. You have high aspirations and I encourage that.

    For that, I will give this a -1. 

    Ex- Battalion Commander Rex

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