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Everything posted by Weevil

  1. It's not a alternative anncount it's my original one, I told you back in August about the issue and you didnt reply or re-ban me.
  2. No, I believe you are mistaking me with someone else
  3. RP Name/Steam Name: Weevil Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:120902726 Date of Ban: 22.11.18 Length of Ban: Perm Offense: Leeching and Content Steeling Banned By: Chambers Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: So it's almost been a year since i was banned from synergy, When i joined the discord sever that i was invited to i never imagined it was going to cause me to get perm banned. I had no intention to leech from synergy and made no attempt to take any members from the server, In terms of content stealing i was slightly suspicious of the models used by this new server especially the 41st and Shock models as the looked exactly like the ones i had seen on synergy. However after noticing the models i did not make any attempt to talk to the owners which i should have to ensure that the models used by the server were either A) Genuine or B) Had permission from synergy to use. I now realise that i could have reacted differently to this new server i was invited to. Evidence to support your claims: (I have no idea what to put in here so im just going to leave the evidence i was handed by the directors)
  4. @Fizzik Since you didnt specify which apology ill do both and explain why i felt the need to say sorry. 1) "to everyone i have ever insulted, hurt, mental damaged or even annoyed i'm deeply and truly sorry" In this line i was referencing the arrests i had on CWRP, the staff sits i had to goto and the people of this community as i felt by my actions of minging and rudeness i had affected everyone in some shape or form. 2) " i sincerely apologise for our actions. We had no malicious intent. " if you read the line just before this it tells you that I am addressing the content creators who had their hard work stolen from them, my apology is not coming directly from me but as said in the first line "on behalf of the community" meaning i was apologising for the actions of the people that did have intentions of stealing content. If you have any more questions feel free to ask : )
  5. @Hypermortem 1) No 2) No 3) No 4) No Sounds like im just in denial but these are my honest answers
  6. So i was invited to a discord via a former member of this community, Freck. I joined and thought nothing of it. Then the conversation happened that you see in the screenshot maybe 1-3 hours after i joined. Now what they are referring to is, the owner of the server was talking in the discord about stealing Whitelisting systems and sabers, Unforcently this conversation was deleted by the owner and the only people that have screenshots of this conversation are the directors who handed out the bans (jackson, square, Carter, Joah) Now according to the directors the models used by the serer was directly stole from synergy its self which had full ownership of this, I did notice that the 41st model was exactly identical but i brushed it to the side. im going to say the same thing i told the directors, I had no input on the models and overall was to blind to see what was right in front of me. To the origional content creators of the models on behalf of that community i sincerely apologise for our actions. We had no malicious intent. Hope this answers your question @Hypermortem if you have anymore questions feel free to ask
  7. RP Name/Steam Name: Weevil, (steam name: [IFN] Weevil [M] Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:120902726 Date of Ban: 28/11/18 / 29/11/19 (i was banned around midnight) Length of Ban: Permanent Offense: Leeching & Content Stealing Banned By: Chambers Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: So it's been about a month since i was banned, At the time I moved on (some people might hate me for this) to Icefuse Networks. At the time I was the happiest i have ever been in my 4 years of gmod. As of recent i have grown bored for Icefuse and spent a while going over my ban and seeing the actions i took that negatively impacted my reputation within the community. I know this is going to sound like a really over used term, But honestly i really miss this community, I made a lot of friends in this community and it really changed me on how i view people in and out of the game, along with making friends within the community i also made alot of enimes to those people (Especially naffen) I do apologise for my actions (if you want more detail you can pm on discord) As of today i joined MRP and had the time of my life, i actually laughed for once but was quickly cut short. To everyone i have ever insulted, hurt, mental damaged or even annoyed i'm deeply and truly sorry, and i hope that people will forgive me and let me have a second chance on this server. Evidence to support your claims: Had nowhere else to put these. Since people are constantly asking about the content stealing this is the ONE and only piece of evidence i was handed by directors Make what you want of it (also my name is Gay4 cant remember why)
  8. This is what i like to listen to.
  9. [+1] Was a great commander (Likes minecraft music)
  10. I think it should be Jedi Youngling Weevil.
  11. [+1] Was a good staff member previously and on TTT. I remember this as you'r teamspeak avatar
  12. Sounds inactive........ Freck made a good choice for the next admiral. Well done Esitt ❤️
  13. No you were a bad admiral. just kidding probably the best admiral ❤️ (maybe after max) Sorry for spamming bunk inspections ❤️
  14. Run while you can freck the community (in my opinion) is in a shitshow just keep playing darts
  15. Thats going to be a Negative trooper
  16. OOC Name: weevil Squeakiness Level [1-10 Scale]: 8 (people think I'm a girl idk why) Age: 14 Why do you want to be in squeaker squad: to unit with my fellow "brothers" Describe yourself in 1-10 words: trap trap trap Are you a squeaker: definitely
  17. Nej, det här är inte tillåtet
  18. should play csgo with that setup
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