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Everything posted by Weevil

  1. Kirby is the best, I mean just look:
  2. Name: Weevil Who helped (If applicable): Andrews (Watched over me to make sure i made no mistakes) and Wicked Event Name: The prison transfer Summary of the story: 2 501st come on-board with a prisoner who is transferring to a prison on Coruscant little do they know the prisoner had a tracker in his arm which the CIS used to track him down and boarding the ship to kill all on-board, But they failed What was the result of the event?: The prisoner and cis we killed by the republic leading to a republic victory Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up
  3. +1 -Active -Friendly -Good staff experience -Was a good staff member before Good luck with you'r application `Weevil
  4. OK well i was going to give this a +1 BUT after doing some research into you'r ban i found this! Now if you deserve another chance i dont know, But this doesnt look the best for you... Here is a list of the staff that banned you: @Valdor/Keltor @Unkindled And finally @Bleach Now i dont know if these staff members think you have changed if they do i will happily change my response Good luck `Weevil
  5. +1 Active Friendly Detailed Application Good luck with you'r app `Weevil
  6. +1 Active Friendly Detailed Application Good luck with you'r app `Weevil
  7. you forgot me boy, But other then that good fun +1
  8. Wasnt this meow's event or did you plan it?
  9. +1 After having a nice talk with dice I've learned a lot more about dice and a lot about his time in cg and i feel like he is ready, he is mature and this is viable after having a nice talk with him and he is a nice person to talk to. These kind on people should at least have a chance at being staff and i hope he gets to show hes full potential. I personaly recommend you have a chat with dice before you judge him based on the evidence give by the cg battalion. good luck with you'r application `Weevil
  10. I'm going to +1 this a couple of things to improve on tho: - "bombs thay destroy skygate than Dart Maul" first off the spelling i get that English maybe isn't you'r first language and i can understand that. - Just another example of spelling/grammar "Hyper Matter Chaimber" it should be either core or chamber i cant remember exactly but you got the abbreviation correct. It's nice to read over what you have wrote and fix anything that is underlined in red. - One last thing detail is always key and you can never have to much what i would like to see is you expanding on this idea and explain how you are going to set-up the event whats characters you'r using and how the story unfolds Etc....... Anyways that's all i got to say Good luck with you'r application `Weevil
  11. +1 probably the most fun ive had on the event server
  12. @all who I missed You don't matter Uh hello?
  13. im going to +1 this it makes some good points on the subject.
  14. {+Support} Fuck me the detail Active Friendly (Even if he does cuff me) Good luck with your staff application `Weevil
  15. Ok well ive had a talk with rm about the implication of this idea and im going to give this a +1
  16. Neutral I know you can do better ragen, But you need to prove it.
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