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Everything posted by Weevil

  1. You were a great staff member. (But it's good we will still see you around) Thank you for you'r service
  2. I'll just leave this here, But seriously it's time for this meme to die, it's been going on for months and it just get's boring after a while. So as the meme god himself says: Lets move on. (Also i know he's dancing on a dead whale but i found it funny)
  3. Why not, just look how cool this looks
  4. Ratio you'r doing a good job, i know i can annoy cg alot by being arrested constantly but every time you have been there to sort out the situation (not always ending as i intended) Just keep doing what you are doing.
  5. Good bye my irish brother. *Salutes*
  6. [+1] Will make a good addition to the staff team, Good luck ❤️
  7. I am now more educated.
  8. [+1] Will make a good addition to the staff team (Again), Good luck ❤️
  9. [+1] Everything that i wanted to say has been said. Good luck.
  10. Netural I like the idea of red guards, but as many people have pointed out it will either A) End up like sc (and we dont want a repeat of that) Or B) We currently dont have a palpy' so there is not point at the time being, and if we do get a palpy' and he goes inactive there is no point of them coming on. Anyway CG does an amazing job of looking after any senators that are online and have no problem with doing it. So there isn't any need for a specialised force for one person who isn't on too much.
  11. Weevil


    +1 likes mincecraft music
  12. Weevil


    Cg doing what they do best Falling asleep on the job well done *Claps*
  13. Weevil

    Change SO to SN

    i like this idea +1
  14. Im retarded wrong place ❤️
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