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Everything posted by Eclipse

  1. Eclipse

    Remove Defibs

    +1 Coming from a former RM and MDM. Medics have enough to do. There are loads of different possibilities for them to RP. Secondly, rag dolls cause lag. Thirdly, just have an admin bring them back to their dead body. It works. Defibs used to be a thing back when RM was a thing. It was removed for similar reasons (I think, I don’t know why it was removed actually)
  2. +1 Good boy, made Bad Batch a very nice stable squad.
  3. Eclipse


    @Nightmare All I want for Anakin is.... youuuuuuuu
  4. @Carter I was told that 3 ships were allowed 100+ but only 3 ships. My suggestion is to make it only 1 ship and only if it is needed for an event, otherwise no ships. Also it was Jan Dodonna so I believed him. Don’t know if this isn’t a rule or what.
  5. Name: Eclipse/1stLT Ridge Suggestion: Revert the rule that "only 3 ships may be spawned when 100+" and make it back to the rule before "only ships for events (so event jobs landing in) when 100+. Implementation: I was unaware the rule changed until a BO told me. I think this rule isn't too great because in the screenshot attached you will see that when we have a Umbaran Tank and a TX-130 during prime time when the server is almost full most peoples ping is 200+, whereas usually only certain people have ping that high. Having ping this high makes events not as fun to play, and people who want to do stuff like Tryouts during events or TR training have issues. The only time ping has been this high across the server was usually when this happens or when a giant dupe is spawned. Lore: No lore I guess. Workshop content if applicable: N/A (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") NOTE: I am not sure if this is really a rule, but I was told it was. It used to be 100+ no ships except for event jobs, 85+ only for training/events and stuff, and below 85 for leisure/fun.
  6. Yeah fool I’m the current TCC
  7. +1 I still remember you being promoted to a DU 2ndLT and being promoted to Doom. Don't know why.
  8. +1 Yeah that seems fair. I dig. Join 501st.
  9. +1 Big Boy Smart Boy fix the mingy sith! Do it. Make it good.
  10. Eclipse

    Ban Appeal

    +1 but if you minge then you gay and get banned again.
  11. Eclipse

    Bazoo's Boss app

    +1 Ive seen you around for a long time and I know the work you can do. Good luck as Boss! I believe in you.
  12. WHAT NO MENTION TO YOUR PAPA WHO MADE YOU SWITCH? I’m hurt. Sad to see you go Cordis. Have a good one.
  13. -1 Simple fix. Just don't be dumb. If people accidentally do it, just remind them comms are down. You don't need to REEE at them in chat. This would be dumb because: A. You are told to /comms Enroute! to a TR training and many have binds of that already. Comms are down, they have to take more time to advert it or rebind it to advert. B. Gamemasters may forget to turn it off, causing major issues. C. Staff may accidentally turn it on, causing major issues. D. If using P.A System on a base, you would use comms or advert, and advert is supposed to be OOC Overall, this could be fixed by just enforcing rules of when comms are down and punishing rulebreakers. No need to develop an addon to fix this simple issue.
  14. If they are in sith robes, it’s allowed. If they are in citizen robes, we are allowed to tell them to leave the bases and outposts. If they don’t we can gun them down. There are signs telling them to leave the base and outposts alone as it’s republic property.
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