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About portigul

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  1. -1 doesnt play server correctly oh wait this is my post
  2. alr is there any request to give you hope?
  3. Name:portigul Steam ID:76561199573311738 Ban Reason:"ban evasion" Date of Ban: 7/29/2024 Length of Ban:perm Staff Member(s) Involved:rohan Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal:i have tried to make up you guys in discord and i have been a good boy Evidence:https://1drv.ms/v/c/40e8aaca2f79c5a9/Ea9VsJ82CZNLl5XD6sVKM6MBJxUZ-1Yc5eDNkTODtlxUPw
  4. RP Name:portigul Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:806523005 Date of Ban: 7/29/2024 Length of Ban:perm Offense:i"ban evasion Banned By:rohan Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?:i was getting harrassed so i went on an alt then it got banned bc of the alt detecter so i went back on my main and got banned for "ban evasion" Evidence to support your claims:my ban note
  5. what does -1 mean????????????
  6. RP Name:portigul Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:806523005 Date of Ban: 7/29/2024 Length of Ban:perm Offense:i"ban evasion Banned By:rohan Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?:i was getting harrassed so i went on an alt then it got banned bc of the alt detecter so i went back on my main and got banned for "ban evasion" Evidence to support your claims:my ban note
  7. RP Name:portigul
    Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:806523005
    Date of Ban: 7/29/2024
    Length of Ban:perm
    Offense:i"ban evasion
    Banned By:rohan
    Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?:i was getting harrassed so i went on an alt then it got banned bc of the alt detecter so i went back on my main and got banned for "ban evasion"
    Evidence to support your claims:my ban note

  8. Name: portigul Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:806523005 Ban Reason: "ban evasion" Date of Ban:7/29/2024 Length of Ban: perm Staff Member(s) Involved: rohan Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal: i was getting harassed by another ct and got banned for going on my alt just so i wouldn't get harassed and got banned on thats so i went back on my main and got banned Evidence to support your claims:no evidence bc i wasnt clipping at the moment
  9. well i have a change in mind, change in heart, and change of body i want to play now
  10. perm do i need to say more? ps im banned on both accs permanently
  11. well i was alting and got perma banned keep in mind i was not banned on my portigul acc so i went on one of my alts bc some people were harassing me so i got on one of my accs and got banned ps some admins are goats i say since your a vet admin your a goat
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