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Everything posted by BigZach

  1. BigZach

    Dooku's Debacle

    Name: BigZach Who helped (If applicable): Taur Alec Wicked iskaffe Donacdum Tommen Event Name: Dooku's Debacle Summary of the story: Dooku has been located at an extremely isolated planet. The mission is to detain him. What was the result of the event?: A victory for the republic with Dooku being detained. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up.
  2. +1 great guy. With what keo already does for RM he deserves this role. great candidate!
  3. Neutral due to the fact of his recent and previous LOAs I'm not sure what he could've done for the battalion and I don't know him well enough to +1 or -1.
  4. Quote Board: Crumpet/Medic: MEDS IS INACTIVE <15:03:22> "Freck | Thorison1": RM are incharge in Medbay, Naval can go suck a dick. Also, RM get to make the docs | Naval run off the RM's Training (Keo) *eating chocolate after valentines day* This isn't very good... (Karma) Is it from a fat hoe? (Keo) Well if you consider my mom a fat hoe then yeah (Turbine) "I'm upper classed" (Thermite) "CG Tryouts in Medbay, join the Medics, help the Republic!" (Turbine) He is gona get the D slapped across his face with the balls draggin across his face as well (Roberto) Why does nobody think like I do with maths (Turbine) We've got a coffee bar, we don't need to go shopping! (Golem in debrief) I fell for the placebo effect (Commander Fox) did he say pussyboi effect? (Kip) Don't you hate it when you wake up to find your TASSLED WOBBLEGONG wrapped around your dick? (Keo) Kip you are my son. (Kip) No dad
  5. Sad to see you leave. Ever need some one to talk I'm here. If you don't take up that offer I'm gonna smash yer back windows in
  6. Actually makes sense. Meow tried his best but it obviously wasn't enough. +1
  7. "I know you want to save your batt from dying" anyone who says that should be in the agreement that 212th is dying. If not you can shut your trap. If you say RM is dying you are a delinquent.
  8. We don't like the jobs we have because they are terrible. If you talk about having more than enough jobs 501st have 6 and we have a copy and paste labeled as different jobs
  9. I agree so i "fucked off with the shotgun"
  10. All we have are medical troopers. How are most of our RM meant to keep up with 2ndAC or 104th or any JT battalions.
  11. The Jet Pack are not to fly about like the JT it's to increase mobility on large battlefields so we can heal and revive.
  12. On the battle field we do not mean the venator
  13. By this he means the likelihood of them being deployed for events would be greater. Either way they are "medical TROOPERS" not doctors that are binded to their med pac for life.
  14. The only reason you don't see extensive RP on the Battle field is because the Game Masters me included don't consider RM for anything else but viruses which as a battalion and as game makers need to fix.
  15. The Jet Packs aren't for Combat as I explained they're are to increase the mobility on the field especially in large open areas where every one is spread thin so the Evac unit could heal more efficiently. This isn't about combat.
  16. Maybe some criticism that we can work off of other than a useless -1 with no explanation.
  17. The reason we want another class is because of the blandness and uselessness of the other "jobs"
  18. We actually need some variety to add to our battalion to bring in new recruits and the jobs that have been given to us are useless and are basically to make us look like we have job but they're the same as the Medical Trooper.
  19. Add or Change: Add Job: Medical Evacuation Trooper Model: Standard but with a Jet Pack or some tweaks. Weapons: DC-15A and the DC-15S Other: Rocket Boots Unlimited or Pilot Recognition and training. Explanation: The Medical Evacuation Trooper Would be a squad used to extract injured people from Combat Zones, Infections etc. Their main medical RP aspect would be the CLS (Combat Life Saving). They would use this generously because most of their patients would be in the middle of a war zone where the Medical Supplies are limited and would need to be more improvisational with their Medical RP. Why it would be beneficial for RM: I believe it'd be beneficial for the battalion because of the blandness of the other classes being completely useless or: "completely retarded" - Wanted to Stay Anonymous The lack of variety in these classes is a large part in the battalion being a niche. These classes added so far are basically just a name tag. Personally I'd and RM would appreciate at least some kind of variety in their Classes. This isn't some throw away idea as I have had people from RM give their feedback and they agree. Also a useful class would help bring in recruits. RM would rather have the Evac Trooper than Surgeon. We are not just trying to get more jobs for the sake of more jobs we are trying to have useful jobs that could bring in the recruits to the "dying battalion".
  20. Sad to see you go. Good luck in your future endeavours my guy!
  21. Name: BigZach Who helped (If applicable): Taur, Stix, Argon, Canadian, TrijiM, Wicked, Crimson, Turbine Event Name: CIS and their "Friend" Summary of the story: The senator has been abducted by CIS. The CIS have taken him to a sandy planet where they are holding the senator. Regimental Armaged then deployed RM, 104th and Spec Ops! What was the result of the event?: Some recon at the start then a retrieval of a senator during an extreme combat situation. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em Up
  22. Name: BigZach Who helped (If applicable): Stix, Alec, lyonaxis, Canadian, kix, Argon and Turbine Event Name: The Return of the Senator Summary of the story: Previously the senator took a Trando out of custody. The trando turned on him and took him to Naar Sha Da to sell to Cad Bane. So the RM, 104th and Senate Commandos were sent out to retrieve him. What was the result of the event?: Some Med RP some hostage negotiations and some shooting. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: More RP
  23. yeah sorry was getting Med RP done on me and had to find someone else to keep everyone else happy
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