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Retired Founder
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Everything posted by Zim

  1. No u. One of the longer and more dedicated Fox's. Really glad you were around for so long. Glad you're sticking around. Also, now you have no excuse to not come be in my discord. Ree.
  2. Mistake or not, it's a chargeback, it's a instaperm ban. Unless you want to fill the funds removed. This stands, unless Joah or Jackson have a great reason otherwise. Don't mean to be cold, but the thing here is you donated through your parents, and didn't get confirmation so they filed it. It's up to you to confirm you're allowed to donate and these things won't happen homie. @Pheo Your call.
  3. Why do we gotta lose all the OG's. 😞 Best of luck to you buddy. I hope whatever you do is great, and goes great. Glad you're sticking around. ❤️
  4. Well I guess I will see you on SCP.
  5. Hey it's ya boi, Zim here. I did an update last night, so here is a update log. Added: - Special Ops Models - Epsilon Job - Ryloth Map to Event - Naboo Map to Event - Tattooine Mao to Event - OOC Media Player - Riot Shield to Thire Modified: - Staff Chat Color - Some Green Company Job Loadouts - Doom Unit's ARC Slots Should of Fixed: - All main server data sync'd to Event. - Admin Coord and Developer Rank Enjoy.
  6. Best of luck with your life man.
  7. I'm still going to refer to you as Gree. Been Gree since I been here and it's what I did to Cypher for a long time. This is going to be weird.. Thanks for all the time, understanding, and work you put in. And thanks for always being someone easy to speak to on the few times we did talk. Best of luck to whatever you do from here. o7
  8. I thought this was from staff and my heart dropped. ;~;
  9. Think this came out before the new map.. if not, go ahead and add one. Locked / Closed.
  10. We got a map now, I don't wanna be on another ship. Denied.
  11. I already accepted the other one. Closed / Locked.
  12. Reviews are to mixed. Resubmit this when you feel ready. Denied.
  13. Zim


    No longer needed! Denied.
  14. Zim

    New Jet Pack maybe?

    Not needed, currently resuggest in the future if you want. Denied.
  15. Zim

    Event server maps

    I feel like none of these were really tested. They are all unoptimized and rather shit for their size. Denied.
  16. A friendly reminder.. All your +1 & -1 's without valid reasons attached mean N O T H I N G . Alright, just making sure you know you're wasting your time and Tyzen's support / disagreeance. Okbye.
  17. It's because you're viewing it like that and not accepting when others add their opinions. Almost everything here was relivent till the end. They just didn't aline with your view. No one is bullying or circlejerking but if you can't take feedback and accept not everyone will agree with what you have to say 100% of the time, you are going to have a rough life. Half the community doesn't like what we do as Founders sometimes, but we do what we see as best for the community, and the members, like the founders, state what they think is right and best. Locked.
  18. This community is founded for the people by the people, yes. But you guys still need to respect each others opinions and be respectful. And if someone disagrees with you, don't bitch and report their post, because if I get another email at 6AM so help me god.
  19. This man deleted me off Steam too.
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