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Everything posted by Dom0619

  1. +1 I think this will bring more opportunity within 212th and outside 212th I also think it’ll help interaction with 212th and SOBDE!
  2. Dom ROA Staff rank admin and GM Sept 3-maybe 2 weeks I’ll still be on a Little and trying to do my stuff Works been kicking my ass and I’m taking over time for the money working over 65 hours a week and exhausted when I get off I’ll still be on some just not as usual when I stop doing over time I’ll be back fully
  3. Dom0619

    Gator's GM APP

    +1 hes a good guy and he will put in the work
  4. +1 give this man a shot
  5. +1 hes a good guy and think he would be a good fit good luck bud!
  6. Should be good now that’s my bad
  7. Name:Dom SteamID:76561198881262775 How long have you played on the server? [Hours]:327:10:05 From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 8 Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: I want to help make events and help the sever grow. I have a couple really good ideas that i think everyone would really like i also want to work with the medics and see what we can do to make some good medic RP events. I grow really close with everyone on this sever and am so glad to be part of it so i want to do everything I can do to help it grow and help make everyone have the best experience, I also want to work on make pilot events don't see them as much. Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes sorry if the documents Arnt the best not good with all that stuff Deployment https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o57Zua5-yQavZkNN_gzxtRnqB_zmfdtukeo1ctc6u8A/edit Sever event https://docs.google.com/document/d/1knYdgwiKS2b4e2IOWCj0M5QAYPIHgqoVppP1nVK4W24/edit
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