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Everything posted by Drayyen

  1. -1. The first mate was failrping for the first bit of the mission, and then RC proceeded to take everyone to IR and complain when anyone else wanted to come near IR. Literally had nothing to do the entire time, was fucking pointless. Another -1 for ruining a space pirate event, one that I've been wanting forever.
  2. I give it a -1. I was only there for parts 2 and 3, but I remember being oneshot from full by a bomber that I couldn't even see because of the trees about ~3 minutes after part 3 started, along with my squad, and due to the rules every medic was like "nope, sorry". Completely ruined the entire event for us to the point that my squad skipped out on debrief and part 4. 327th KCSS ENGL CPT Drayyen
  3. +1. Respect, Arcantus. You have a good head on your shoulders and a ton of dedication
  4. Thank you, @Hudson. I can't explain how much it means to me that you're giving me some recognition - gives me a fresh burst of motivation
  5. @Blueberry Man ily but I'm gonna have to go with @Draver on this one, I know you're stressed and probably have your own stuff you're dealing with but we're doin' our best here, shouldn't be trying to make a joke out of this
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