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Everything posted by Frostydog

  1. I was banned way before any of the things that went on with others this was like eleven months ago when those like seabass, nalon were taking the server at least somewhat seriously
  2. Name: Frostydog Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:115109257 Ban Reason: Origanlly death threats but updated to Leaking docs, homophobic post, discord invites july 26th Date of Ban: first one was april 22nd second one was july 26th Length of Ban: Both were perma then updated to community Staff Member(s) Involved: Woeny, Liasion team Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal: Firstly i would like to apologize to Squishy, Conrad, and everybody affected by my offenses (Death Threats) So ill admit, i was in the wrong when i commited both offenses, firstly when i did supposed death threats it was a stupid joke gone too far, i thought it would be funny to DM Squishy (Former Yoda and 41st Jedi) this gif and video after he got jedi commander: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904848646300897300/1071676081817522226/image.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812169950231265343/963559496419000320/final_6255f5c88981d3008ff94227_898584.mp4 I will admit it was stupid and deserved a punishment and i didnt help the problem by continuing to troll when I was dmed by conrad about the situation, this all occoured almost a year ago, I was in the wrong and deserved to be banned but I dont feel it shouldve been a perma and I want another chance even if that comes with a blacklist from jedi or something (Doc Leak, Harassment, and Leaking Discord Invites) In july, I had a small part in the doc leak incident, but a pretty large part in the harassment and discord things. I did leak SOBDE documents, I leaked their old jedi tryouts and their roster and sent them to people who leaked them. For this I apologize to SOBDE high command and brooklyn (former sobde jedi lead) So after the doc leak incident in july, I joined the command discord and other synergy related servers and sent porn and other offensive gifs and links, which I am sorry to all of high command and everyone who was present for, at the time I thought it was funny and wouldn't matter since i was already perm banned so I thought I had nothing to lose but in reality it was stupid and never should've happened and I would like to apologize to everyone In the end, I have realized my mistakes, when I did these acts I didnt care if i got banned or not, I miss synergy and the community and I want another chance. Evidence to support your claims: (DMS WITH SQUISHY) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904848646300897300/1071676081817522226/image.png (First Video sent during DMS) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812169950231265343/963559496419000320/final_6255f5c88981d3008ff94227_898584.mp4
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