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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/2023 in all areas

    1 point
  2. 5/5/5 gameplay was really fun and coordinated, lot of care for story, server performance was extremely high, honestly top 3 deployments
    1 point
  3. 5/4/3 amazing map, okay plot
    1 point
  4. I will say, I also felt that it got slow in the middle due to the direction of the RP. This was the opener to Act 3 which leaves the biggest issue: I can't do the big events *yet* unless I want things to move too quickly. It's like setting up the pieces on the board if you get what I mean.
    1 point
  5. Who got Battalion of the Month for August 2023? 41st Elite Corps The 41st has been on a steady incline this last month after getting their new BCMD and a large push for recruitment and activity. They managed to gain 50 new recruits this month, train 40 CRs, hosted 161 BARC/AT trainings, 144 entertainments, and 40 joint trainings. These are fantastic stats and have resulted in their battalion having a consistent active playerbase throughout the month. They've only improved in the last month and I can't wait to see them continue to improve! @Torrin @Tetra @Badger Joint Trainings Joint Trainings are an amazing way to involve other battalions in your trainings, improve relations with them, and try out new things! We highly recommend scheduling and hosting joint trainings with other battalions! Clone Recruits Reminder that SGT+ can train CRs which is a huge part of keeping the server running. It's also a pretty proven fact that most new players join the battalion of which their Trainer was from. So keep that in mind when you train people there's a chance that if you are cool enough they might just join you.
    -1 points
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