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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2024 in all areas

  1. Don't sell yourself short, it was fun. You clearly had an idea and it just didn't play out due to circumstances outside of your control. 3/5/5
    1 point
  2. LOA Over got back home sooner than I anticipated
    1 point
  3. This isn't buffing the minigun. This is a request to return it to its unbugged state. The reason this isn't in bug reports is because the addon is broken and requires development. The damage remains the same and the fire rate in the clip is the same firerate it currently has, just with a different sound. This is more a request for the viewmodel to be fixed so its not half way off the screen, and the sound to be changed so its not a carbon copy of the Z6 There will be no statistical changes in this. Simply cosmetic and audio changes. When i called it a "worse shoulder mounted Z6" i was referring to the fact the gun kicks backwards and offscreen unlike any other gun on server when it never did this prior. It's simply difficult to control the recoil on the gun in its bugged state
    1 point
  4. Name: Clutch Staff Rank: VA Are you VIP?: Yes and Sub Date: 3/29/2024 Reason for leaving: In my 435 days as staff and 278 days as VA I've never experienced burn out like I have in the past 3 weeks. I get on the server and instantly want to get off to avoid doing staff work. I figured taking an LOA for a week would help but it just made me want to resign the more time I took off. My main push during my VA time was pushing to HA and with Kaiser taking the last spot and seeing the current HA team they aren't going anywhere and I don't have another 9 months in me to give it my all. It isn't fair to my battalion to continue with staff because staff is only killing my drive to continue playing. Any time I get in teamspeak and get a message like "hey can you help with an event" or "can you do my staff interview?" it kills my entire mood and like I said it's not fair to my battalion. I'm sure I'll be back to staff eventually just not right now. Farewells: I'm not leaving the server so I have no need for goodbyes, but thank you to everyone that helped me get to this point and to my peers for working along side me.
    1 point
  5. o7. Big loss for the staff team. Shafted.
    1 point
  6. While we are at it let’s reduce Naval & Jedi health since we don’t have any armor
    1 point
  7. +1 while we are at it can we please get rid of HVO, the tracking launcher is just dog shit it can lock on to anything but vultures and who actually puts down AT mines. Give ARC back the PLX and ARF RPS 6. If you don’t believe me HVO is not a thing look at every battalion roster. There might be 4 total *I know there is a suggestion for removing HVO, I just hate HVO*
    -1 points
  8. 2/1/4 Made an account to post this rating I shot the strategy robot 8 or 9 times point-blank with a shotgun totaling around 2,592 damage, he proceeded to one-tap me with some bullshit laser canon, whoever is playing this character needs to step it up and make it more believable because holy fuck that was horrible to experience edit: it was in the elevator, i was there with the robot and a naval, the robot stood still for a solid 2 seconds and i continued to blast his head over and over again, but nope it was an event character so my bullets meant nothing RCMD Rohan kept spamming the elevator button and lied about not doing it, really not what I expected from leadership on this server, lost some of respect for spec reg Game masters deciding to blow up spawn for 60 seconds is not very fun either I am going to take a break from these events. Sorry for the poor rating.
    -1 points
  9. -1 the Westar is a great ARC weapon, realistically you don't need a buffed minigun. The Heavy's minigun needs to have some sort of advantage, like every kit needs to have something going for it. HVO has a 3 person limit per battalion....thats a server rule, to limit accidental MRDM incidents.
    -3 points
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