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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2017 in all areas

  1. Due to the special circumstances of Shadow Company and this battalion commander position, your mandatory two week cooldown as a Captain+ has been waived. Best of luck on your application!
    2 points
  2. Hey guys, I've been with this community for just over a year and I have had some of the best RP I could have ever dreamed of. I am writing this to let the people I normally played with, know that I will be leaving the community for good as I am moving to LA to pursue a career in music. I have to really get on my grind and bust my ass off. I will no longer be able to play due to me always working on my music, and I will be busy pretty much every hour of every day. I will miss you all dearly as I have made friends with many of you. I feel as if I have known some of you for years, even though we have never met in person. The times that I have had on this server was unrivaled by any other. @Billiam Clinton - Super chill guy, keep it real my dude. @BlackMamba - A great friend of mine. I will not forget you. @wicked - You have been nothing but cool with me, and you always have the answers (sway) @Shockpoint - We didn't know each other that long, but you we're one of my favorites. @Reed - Fuckin eh mate. Didn't know you long at all. But you were good shit my dude. We had some laughs. @Nap the oof - Didn't talk much, but you were good shit as well. @Jagger - You were one of the most straight up people on the server, You told people how it is. @Forseen - We didn't get to play much since my return, wished things could have been different. @Joah - Thanks for reuniting this great community after things went south over at fucked'fuse. @Perri - One of the most calm people I have ever met. The epitome of chill. @Faoeoa - Chill guy, Only spoke a few times. But another one of the realest mother fuckers in this bitch. @Beb - Cancer event +1 @Kain - Didn't even speak, but you give great PT. @Zahariel - SWTOR was fun, maybe well will continue to dominate the galaxy one day. @Naavi - We only spoke once but I find it cool that we have matching tri-force tattoos. And to anyone I missed, I didn't really miss you Don't let me become a meme guys.
    1 point
  3. -1, you have no experience within the battalion. This seems like an attempt to move up the chain of command in my personal opinion, you deleted your 101st commander application once Naavi applied and I feel like you just want to become battalion commander of any battalion at this point.
    1 point
  4. Tfw you can't have a last name
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Same as it was, a very limited roll to provide good RP, they also get badass shit. They are really just really damn good rpers in consular.
    1 point
  7. @Medic If I'm being completely 100% honest with absolutely no hesitation my first two picks are RANCOR and 41st. RANCOR has the capabilities in battle of a charging elephant. They just work well that way. Vint shows skills of a dedicated leader and a helpful assistant in my evaluation process. 41st, while maybe not as highly acclaimed as the RANCOR has the level of professionalism in their official meetings and between their officers that makes them a great first choice for newcomers and veterans alike. However, all battalions have their strengths and I'm not willing to discount any for a second, these are the first that come to my mind.
    1 point
  8. Wherever you desire. The 38th will always hold a spot for you. Sapper is a nice model though
    1 point
  9. ACCEPTED FOR INTERVIEW! Contact a Overseer+ on TS by 9/2817 Good luck!
    1 point
  10. For the most part it's up to the battalions to report inactive Battalion Commanders to us. Aust we gave an extension due to the hurricane, however he was going to be removed today unless he resigned. We also have one other battalion commander on watch and if he does not return by Friday will be getting removed.
    1 point
  11. Joel, as a youngling you wouldn't leave me alone. You begged over and over for TG trials. You failed a few times on the trials. You begged for me to help with sparring. I always promised to help, but hardly ever did. You finally caught me extremely late at night, and I felt bad. You finally got TG. Since then got knight, then Barris. I made you a sentinel overseer, and you did great at it. I'm going to miss the times, were I absolutely f'ed up your name. Also you always giving me a hard time, and me dishing it back. Hope to see you from time to time. So take care, and good luck with your next adventure.
    1 point
  12. You were one of the first friends i had when i started playing synergy. You and i became Jedi together, we became sentinel together, we became temple guard together, and we became Overseers together. As much as i hate to see you go, do what you have to do.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Honestly it gotten a lot better, and the last two updates have been pretty fucking good imo. And let's be honest, you play on a goddamn gmod CWRP server. Cancer is basically a fucking guarantee.
    1 point
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