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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/2017 in all areas

  1. Ron's a fucking fagot. RIP
    2 points
  2. +1 will actually make Naval into something great, and not fill it with people that make me want to kill myself
    2 points
  3. I've been playing Clone Wars for quite a while now and honestly I just have no interest in coming on anymore. I was hoping this new server would re-interest me in Clone Wars, but it hasn't, I just don't have the same drive now that I accomplished all I wanted to in the Jedi and in staff. With a few more months of development and growth you guys can definitely be the most popular Clone Wars server and be greater than Icefuse ever was. I wish you guys and this community all the best and i've had a lot of great times with you guys. My biggest shout out can be to all of the past and present 41st guys... It's the only battalion I ever really joined and it will always be my home you guys have always been good friends to me and it was great while it lasted (Ryan, Egg, Beastly, Pyle, Llama, Rep, Kane, Iceman, Koval, Noe, Kane, Hillmor, Saki, Trig, Mocaris, Nick, Treason, Video, Yancer, Troy, Tybo, Flynn, Drake, Wulf and there has to be people i'm missing but I honestly can't think of anymore). Also to all my Jedi order guys keep going and good luck. Thanks for all the memes
    1 point
  4. Sup ppls. I got demoted yet again (lmao) I was just getting kind of sick of GMOD so I became more mingy and got demoted lmao. It was fun while it lasted. (no more darth bebo events). GOODBYE: - Bebo Jedi History: Jedi Youngling > Jedi Padawan > Jedi Knight > Jedi Master > Jedi Knight > Jedi Master > Jedi Knight > Jedi Youngling > Jedi Padawan > Jedi Knight > Jedi Knight I-VII > Jedi Master > Gray Jedi Master > Jedi Commander (SR) > Jedi Knight V. (Got demoted a lot lmao but fuck it i accept im a mingy person)
    1 point
  5. WERE NUMBER 4 ON GAMETRACKER WE PASSED ICEFUSE!!!! https://gyazo.com/caf5b2ef7dce96ea7b38409828ba95df
    1 point
  6. I've been playing Clone Wars for quite a while now and honestly I just have no interest in coming on anymore. I was hoping this new server would re-interest me in Clone Wars, but it hasn't, I just don't have the same drive now that I accomplished all I wanted to in the Jedi and in memes. With a few more months of development and growth, you guys can definitely be the most popular Clone Wars server and be greater than Icefuse ever was. I wish you guys and this community all the best and I've had a lot of great times with you guys. My biggest shout out can be to all of the past and present 41st guys... It's the only battalion I ever really joined and it will always be my home you guys have always been good friends to me and it was great while it lasted ( Ryan, Doug, Egg, Killer, Beastly, Llama, Rep, Kane, Koval, Trig, Mocaris, Treason, Video, Yancer, Troy, Tybo, Flynn, Drake, Wulf and there has to be people I'm missing but I honestly can't think of anymore). Also to all my Jedi order guys keep going and good luck. 212th, i love all of you and hope the battalion strives! My 212th niggas, Billiam, Fours, Mamba, Cabrera, Candy, Wicked, Jimbo, Trapper, Cam (This is my memes / Master Resignation) Thanks for all the memes @Doug get wrekt cuck @Ryanzabby get wrekt cuck Ron/ZeeK, fuck you faggot.
    1 point
  7. I've been playing Clone Wars for quite a while now and honestly I just have no interest in coming on anymore. I was hoping this new server would re-interest me in Clone Wars, but it hasn't, I just don't have the same drive now that I accomplished all I wanted to in the Jedi and in memes. With a few more months of development and growth, you guys can definitely be the most popular Clone Wars server and be greater than Icefuse ever was. I wish you guys and this community all the best and I've had a lot of great times with you guys. My biggest shout out can be to all of the past and present 41st guys... It's the only battalion I ever really joined and it will always be my home you guys have always been good friends to me and it was great while it lasted (Doug, Egg, Killer, Beastly, Pyle, Llama, Rep, Kane, Iceman, Koval, Noe, Kane, Hillmor, Saki, Trig, Mocaris, Nick, Treason, Video, Yancer, Troy, Tybo, Flynn, Drake, Wulf and there has to be people I'm missing but I honestly can't think of anymore). Also to all my Jedi order guys keep going and good luck. (This is my memes / Master Resignation) Thanks for all the memes @Doug get wrekt cuck
    1 point
  8. +1 Forge has outstanding leadership. He has always been my right hand when it comes to making decisions within the 101st battalion. He is dedicated, outgoing, and overall; a great member to the community. I would definitely feel safe and comfortable knowing that if Forge does take the reins of BCMD he will do great things, and to keep the 101st as strong as it is now! *Fingers crossed for you buddy!* -- Former: 101st Battalion Commander/ Current: Ahsoka Tano
    1 point
  9. <3 goodbye, see you around babe and hit me up to play some games
    1 point
  10. <3 goodbye old friend
    1 point
  11. N O O O O O O O O O O
    1 point
  12. You were one of my greatest friends on Icefuse Ryan, hope we can still chat and play games my love <3
    1 point
  13. Want to feel the rush again? Watch the clone wars series. It really hypes you up. But if youre dead set on leaving I wish you luck in your future endeavors
    1 point
  14. +1 Rep should have been Admiral a long time ago. Sorry Techno
    1 point
  15. Didn't go full roast like Ryan, just called out the people he thought deserved that. I can respect that. Going out with dignity. Enjoy real life, man. You were a pretty decent Ponds, bad Senior
    1 point
  16. +1 i had the pleasure of meeting square today and he seems like a very good person that can do the job... he has also put forward a great application for people to look at
    1 point
  17. I will miss you Alistair! Thank you for pushing me into the right direction, I will never forget. <3
    1 point
  18. +1 Should already be Admiral for sure, in my opinion there is no other choice for the position of Yularen that could even remotely compare. I have known Rep since our time together as clones in the 41st and even though we didn't always see eye to eye we are still friends. I trust rep for the best honest feedback and I trust him to give well thought out, honest opinions. If there is anyone capable of being Admiral it is most certainly him, and choosing anyone else would be a crime, and a huge wound to the health of Naval. This server would stand to do nothing but benefit from Rep as Admiral. - Grand Master Of The Order Yoda/ Null 12 A'den Skirata <3 you rep
    1 point
  19. +1 should have been admiral in the first place
    1 point
  20. you havent heard my new mic then
    1 point
  21. Haha ok +1 Reptilia is more than capable to become admiral looking back at his reputation and personality. I personally offer you best of luck in this @Reptilia. -RANCOR ARC SMB Hammer;)
    1 point
  22. Wow 2 votes im really disappointed in my self what did i do wrong?
    1 point
  23. I've known u since u werent even staff and you were a foxtrot fag bai dude
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Here ya go ya dumb fuck https://gyazo.com/f66b755d1baaa0d14f66652b37d9a92b
    1 point
  26. Not gonna lie this is a pretty good one
    1 point
  27. Graves got Marshal Commander over you. (And dayum, that roast was a shit to the heart.)
    1 point
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