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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2017 in all areas

  1. Everyone like everyone's replies to this thread Reply to this thread for likes (Definitely not stolen from garnet lol)
    6 points
  2. When you can't like because you only get 10 likes per day
    5 points
  3. Sorry, gonna have to give you a forum warning for manipulating forum reputation. Don't be butt hurt over it or I'll ban you for "slander" (even though when it's written it's called libel). Sincerely yours, -CIO Billiam
    5 points
  4. Yeahhhhhh boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    4 points
  5. This is the face of a fucking tyrant. Puffin werent you banned for mass rdming last night? - Ron He did - Some random fucking HA *disconnects from TS* - Puffin ^ Nice meme @Joah i'm proud of you
    2 points
  6. This was censored by Icefuse networks. It was posted on Crisis' resignation.
    2 points
  7. Its not Forum manipulation, its a game.... Get Likes
    2 points
  8. #Ryan4CommunityHero
    2 points
  9. Today I had a banana. That's pretty neat. What'd you have?
    2 points
  10. Dear Fellow Anime Lovers and Enthusiasts: It has come to my attention that WEEABOOPHOBIA IS REAL. This is unacceptable. This forms of discrimination is far from being tolerable. Weeaboos, regardless of ages, shapes, and sizes, deserve much more respect and attention and should have rights. Which is why I am forming a Pro Weeaboo Club, a safe heaven for all weeaboos (furries, yuri and/or bara fans are also welcome too). If you wish to join the club, please apply using the following application format: - On the scale from 1 to 10, how much you do read manga and/or watch anime? - What is your favorite anime/manga? - How much do you deserve respect and attention and why? - Who is your waifu(s)? Even if you do not apply, anyone can support our cause. Thank you and #WEEABOO4LIFE #DEATH TO ALL NON-ANIME/MANGA FANS!
    1 point
  11. I know people here play it so if you do!!... Name: Rank: Server: Main Role: Main Champ: Hated Champ ;):
    1 point
  12. You know this was a fascinating read, I like how it was so long that you would have to be a speckled aardvark whose parents had just died on the freeway and had nothing better in his life to do but read this. I especially liked the part where you briefly touched on the subject matter of the commander position, as this was an eye opening and interesting idea, and furthermore, was a dank meme over all. So, this being said, in as much painful detail as possible. Neutral, I didn't fucking read this, I would rather go and guzzle down a pint of DroopyMcCools Body juices. Thank you, -Beb P.S for all you little fuck tarts who don't know who DroopyMcCool is, here is a picture just for you.
    1 point
  13. Fuck Victor ;)..................................... Nothing beats me and Wolfen ADC/Support.. Myyyyyy EZREAL
    1 point
  14. Right now I'm playing Homeworld: Desert of Karack and Age of Empires 2 HD
    1 point
  15. plz admin stop this man he is very hurtful to my feeling ur ab00sing me
    1 point
  16. It's okay, once they ban all there member, no one will be able to play
    1 point
  17. PUBG is pretty good, I also like games like the Witcher 3, and Borderlands 2 is good.
    1 point
  18. Name: [IFN] Ron [CIO] Rank: CIO Server: Icefuse Main Role: Little faggot Main Champ: Corv Hated Champ ;): Joah
    1 point
  19. Name: Grey_One Rank: Bronze II Server: NA Main Role: Mid Main Champ: Viktor Hated Champ ;): no clue P.S its been forever since i played
    1 point
  20. ACCEPTED Welcome to the Pro Weeaboo Club. You may put Pro Weeaboo Club (PWC) tag right next to your username.
    1 point
  21. I have to pick one?...But... Alpha-17, Boss, Ponds, Waxer, Wolffe.... Revan, HK-47, Bastila, Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion, Valkorion... Thrawn, Vader, Kyle Katarn, Tyber Zann... Do I gotta keep listing them? But if I seriously had to go with one of them... Revan.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Ik, Just do this game as often as you can
    1 point
  24. Name: 30A Rank: Gold V Server: N/A Main Role: Anything Main Champ: Anything Hated Champ: Taliyah
    1 point
  25. As a wise troll once said to a General of the CIS ...."Hello There" I look forward to seeing this server and hope to contribute by becoming staff! -5th Fleet Commander
    1 point
  26. Clan Thorison We beat you all on the field of battle and for the honor of Valhalla!!! We stand by our brothers in Clan Odinson!!!
    1 point
  27. I was extreme, but now extreme's can be Joahs thing. I'm done with being known as a minge and want to be friends with all
    1 point
  28. emm idk u where pretty extreme
    1 point
  29. @Tristan we will be throwing hands in sim room 1 , fight night.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Ayy. How's it going Llama
    1 point
  32. Hey whats up everybody BCNS Gaming Her- Kidding. Sorry I'm memer. Hey guys! I'm one of the many hopping on this hype train for Joah's clone wars server. Most of my Star Wars RP experience prior to this was on IFN. I was a nobody, someone who laid low in the background watching you guys have your time in the spotlight. Shoutout to the 212th, you guys are my boys. Shoutout to all the cool people I met from Icefuse that are coming here! Shoutout to Odyssey for yelling at the 187th and their Commander Faoeoa at the time for a mission gone sour on Tatooine. You know the order was to get on your needs and suck Odyssey off, Faoeoa; and good soldiers follower orders.... Enough of that... I just wanted to say hello to everyone and open myself up to the community. I'm a pretty open guy and easygoing, I befriend almost everyone I see on the server. You'll see me around, I'm a hard guy to miss haha. I'm funny, friendly, but most of all I'm serious. Those from the 212th know me very well, I worked hard in the battalion. I rose the ranks rather quickly and gained the praise of many lower ranks and higher ups. I look to continue this trend here on Synergy, but on a server wide scale. I wish to contribute to the server and just have a fun time playing with everyone here. Whether its out on the frontlines or slapping each other in bunks; I'll be seeing you boys soon! And remember, I've got the Moves Like Jagger.
    1 point
  33. This was the only thing Ron didn't destroy he should have
    1 point
  34. 1 point
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