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    • RP Name: Kessel Steam ID: 76561198074239558 Suspected Player's Name: Ben Suspected Player's Steam ID (If applicable): 76561198388162230 Rule Suspected Player Broke: Too many to possibly list in a convenient manner Explain to us what happened: This individual has accumulated approximately 80 arrests, and has made a habit of accosting and harassing players on the server for months. He has a consistent pattern of goading members of CG into making arrests so that he can then tie them up in unnecessary staff sits, with the overwhelming majority of the arrests being sustained. He is a regular nuisance to the community, and his minging continues because he knows that he will likely not face any lasting consequences. He should not be welcome back on the server. Evidence (If applicable): I do not have any video of him specifically, but please reference the CG arrest records and any relevant ban history. Please consider speaking to any members of CG or TG who frequently deal with him as well. Your consideration is appreciated.
    • “is Pepsi an electrolyte -bana 2024”  +1   
    • Ima be real this is a -1 from me.  Bana I love you but your attitude after being denied was horrible, to the point that even I saw how upset you were about the denial, and I'm probably the most secluded guy on the server right now. I think you think that you deserve the position just because you had it before, and you're well liked, and that just isn't enough to get a second term. The way you handled yourself during and after the interview phase of the application was not how a BCMD should be acting, and I can't in good faith support that behavior for a BCMD position, no matter how good your battalion thinks you're doing. I'm also a bit confused, as one of the reasons you stated you got denied was lack of ARC standards, and you didn't mention ARC once in your application. I'd think that should be something you at least touched upon.
    • the easiest +1 ever. I can't wait for the return of the SYNERGY TIKTOK
    • Name: Sterling SteamID: STEAM_0:1:549886813 Who helped (If applicable): Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Training droids deployed to CY used by RI for testing prototypes whilst also getting troops combat ready for invasions on base. Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
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