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Adding Droid Poppers as a Grenade or event job weapon.


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Name: Scribbles

Suggestion: Add Droid Poppers as a weapon to give/buy. 

Implementation: Adding Droid Poppers/EMP grenade To the weapons vendor (or any specialized classes*not battalions* To whatever is deemed fit, but i believe it just should be added to the weapons vendor as grenade or possibly as a weapon to give to event jobs, since we already have the starwars grenade pack, this should work.  I know people have wanted these for a long time and i ended up finding one on the workshop. 

Lore: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Electro_Magnetic_Pulse_grenade

Workshop content if applicable:  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1466666820&searchtext=Star+wars 
(If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")



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3 minutes ago, Rezdor said:

Neutral, The idea is cool, however, if it stuns players then it could cause more problems then solutions and event jobs would be shredded

Then make them more expensive then normal grenades i guess. I think the stats and what it can do can be editted too. 

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+1 but strict rules, like only used on NPC's, and for only certain people to get them, such as RC and Null and maybe other elite battalions (but higher ranks), it could also be in weapons vendor too, and not to be used on event job droids unless permitted by the game master


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+1. Make it a perma weapons that is higher than the other grenades (in the ballpark of 5mil ) so that not everyone will have it. 


The damage can be edited in the lua files if y’all feel it’s too OP but 250 to NPC’s is good. Reasoning: it’ll one shot B1’s, and 3 shot b2’s. Or increase it so it one shots all. 


You only get 1 grenade per life with all the perma weapons so it can’t even be spammed to shred thrpugh NPCs. If it’s hurting event jobs too bad just decrease the stun time in the lua file. 

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On 9/16/2018 at 3:58 PM, Arroyo said:

-1 i feel it can be abused

says the flamethower abuser xD (hehe no hate plz) 


uhhh but seriously tho +1 if we can mess with coding on it and reduce stun time ,@ devs thx daddy, then I would say Major +1 but otherwise its just a subtle +1

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