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Anderson's Staff Re-Application


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RP Name:

TR CG RT CPT Anderson


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Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

I want to become a staff member to further help the community as a whole and i feel like becoming apart of the staff team would allow me to do that. I feel like sometimes in the early mornings the presence of the staff team lacks a little bit. Considering my Time Zone is GMT i feel like i could help the staff team/members during these early hours. Deal with issues, answer questions regarding the server or help with whitelisting. 

Furthermore, I wish to be able to further help deal with certain Minges and other undesirables who may come on the server to ruin the experience for the other members of the community. I'm not saying that the current members of the staff team are not doing this. I simply want to be able to help out, as i feel there is nothing wrong with that. 

In continuation, i would like to be able to deal with OOC issues that may arise on the sever from time to time. As my CG there is only so much i can do before it needs to be handed off to the staff team and i would like to also help with doing that. I understand that a member of CG dealing with an Issue relating to CG looks very bad. Which is also why I would try to limit my self from dealing with issues like these unless it is absolutely necessary that i intervene. 

I have also recently finished my Final project for college and I've completed all my Exams. I'm officially done with college until September. This has given much more free time spend. So i thought what a better way to spend my free time, then to help and give back to this community. 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

So. I've been playing on this server for roughly 4 months. I been apart of CG for all of my time on the server. I'm brutally Honest to people and truthful with people. I'm sorry to say, if you don't like the truth and honesty then we may not get along that well. Yet i understand sometimes when I need to stop being an arse and to start being a little more open and friendly. I am also very tolerant when it comes to certain situations. If i feel like something is bothering me too much, i will tend to take myself out of the situation to cool down and if that doesn't work i tend to take a break. 

Do you have any previous staff experience?

I was Previously a Staff member on this server and got to the rank of Admin however, i made the decision to resign due to myself becoming engulfed by College work, revision and exams. I made this decision to leave so that i wouldn't become inactive and i didn't want to put in a 2-3 Month long LOA. Putting in that long of an LOA didn't sit right with me. 

I was a member of the Icefuse staff team, this is where i reached the rank of Admin. Which, i believe, is the equivalent to Senior Admin on Synergy (Tbh i think i might be wrong with that).

How much playtime do you have on the synergy server?

656:28:20. Roughly 4 months 

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