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Forseen's Game Master Application

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Name: Commodore Forseen

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:47573087

How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: "Commodore Forseen has played for 51:43:51." however this does not include previous hours from the so called "box shift" Joah has mentioned to me.

From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: I would rate my knowledge a minimum 7 depending on the certain topic of the clone wars.

How good are your communication and leadership skills?: My leadership and communication skills, I would say, are excellent as seen by my previous role as the Director of the Server.

Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: I do understand.

Give us an event idea that you would like to produce: 

Event jobs: 3 x Civilians | 1x Sith | 2x Droids

Prior to the event, Commodore Forseen will address the Battalion Commanders (or acting CO of the battalion) and notify them of the current situation and their mission objective.

"We have received a distress beacon from the Republic controlled planet of [PLANET]. The only information we received from the transmission is that they are under attack from what seems like insects. We do not know how they got there or who is controlling them, all we know is we need to save the people of [PLANET] as they are a valuable asset to us in the war. Prepare your troops and be ready for departure from Hanger 1 in 5 minutes."

Upon arriving to the planet, the troopers will be met with a text screen that reads as follows;

"This event will be a WAVES event."
"Once your battalion has arrived follow the path"
"To begin the mission."
"But be careful, it won't be easy."

The spawn area will be cover by a giant box with one entrance point that I will open every so often.

Ahead the battalions will move through an infested area, to find an abandoned encampment filled with, what looks like fungus, covering the area. There will be one survivor left and they will be fighting off a hoard of infested creatures. Once the battalions arrive and assist the lone survivor clear the creatures, there will be a short moment of rest where the battalion CO's can discuss with the survivor the events that transpired.

"My whole unit was here, we were attacked without even a hint of a warning, they came crashing down on us and spread their infestation everywhere." -Anticipating the CO will ask for a description the civilian will respond with: "A Zabrak, but I only saw but a glimpse as I was fighting off these infested pests. He took the camp researcher and assistant with him and headed off in a land speeder. He went South, I don't know anything else but would be more than happy to assist you in battle."

Assuming the CO's take the help of the civilian they will have to arm the civilian and protect them throughout battle. If they do not accept the help of the Civilian, they will need to keep a group of people back at the camp to protect him.Following the trail of the Zabrak that took the researcher, the battalions will need to fight through various points of interests including buildings and open areas and clear them while searching. They will come across other abandoned encampments throughout their search. There will also be two ambush points on the map (Designed for those stupid enough to go in them to die) and one main area with a "Miniboss" of sorts.Upon finding the camp of the Zabrak, he will introduce himself as a Sith lord by the name of (Be creative). The Sith lord will then have the Battalions enter into his camp, (once again those dumb enough to think it's THAT EASY will be ambushed and more than likely killed by two droids with OP weapons.) whilst an attack comes from behind. If the battalions withstand this attack, they will have to pull together to try to rescue the researcher and his assistant, however the Sith lord will repulse the players back with the force (an invisible prop that will push the players away) and thus will escape with the researcher/scientist and the two droids. However the assistant will be left behind.

Upon attempting to talk to the assistant he will be traumatised and will require aid back on the Venator. A transmission will come in from the Commodore.

"Good work troops, but we must return to the Venator at once as we are preparing to depart from this airspace. Meet at the landing zone at once."

The battalions should collect both Civilians (unless the first civilian was left by himself then he will have been overwhelmed and killed.) and return to the place in which they landed for debrief on the main server.

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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