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Tyzen's Game Master Application


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Name:Tyzen/Grand Master Of The Order Yoda/ RC 22 Omega TECH Atin Skirata

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:38441546


How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: Probably Over 2000 hours


From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: I would say my knowledge is about a 8/10 when it comes to knowledge of clonewars.


How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?:

Well From my experience that I have which is being yoda on the server an also I have ran multiple events while jackson was afk and as well some of my own as a game helper. I feel that being yoda has enhanced my leadership skills and communication with people on a all around level.

Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes


Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce:

My idea for a event would most likely be a dark and mysteries kinda feel with a overload sith that comes to seek power from the jedi. They would try to disguise themselves as Jedi knight or a master to some degree and try to get into the holocron vault to steal the ancient knowledge that is there.  This would have at least one event job and a couple people spawning npcs. I would have the event job Try and warm up to the masters to try and fool them and letting them show him the vault then he would ignite his saber an the start killing anyone that comes near the vault. As well there would be a CIS fleet that is hunting the sith and decides to try and take on the lone venator that is hovering the planet. As the clones are busy so would the jedi they would be attack by force apparitions of older sith lords which could be more event jobs or just npcs. So we could have revan appear out of a holocron which the sith opens as well as bane and malgus. after he opens the holocrons he would take them to his ship and escape into hyperspace while everyone is distracted by the CIS.


Part 2 Would be we would chase him down after the ship is repaired and we would travel down to korriban where he is hiding with the holocrons and meditating and waiting for the jedi and the clones to arrive. There would be some trouble as the planet would be exposed to nature gases that would corrupt the minds of the clones or jedi that got near the geysers they would go insane and be taken away and they would have to turn on there fellow brothers and jedi. Then as they push through the planet they would encounter more apparitions of older sith lords. As they push through to the throne room they would see the sith almost full power then they would engage him in a finaly battle that would decide the fate of the clones and jedi. Then if they win or loose would mate what happens to the fellow jedi that either was captured or killed. This event would be a 2 parter on a weekend when the server population is actually good.

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+1 u do Some fun stuff and Reading this i cant wait for iT because your overall A fun Guy with A good portion of creativity and nolage so - GO FOR IT :)

Edited by pransar

Current: GM Pighen | Jedi CMD KU Knight Simms

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

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