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Punda's Staff Application


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RP Name: 101st TR3 Punda / Jedi K Temple Guard Punda



Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:81654675


Age: 17


Gender: Male


Timezone: CST


Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to be an administrator so that I can help out the community and further its playerbase. I have tons of experiance as a SWRP staff member, and have been playing SWRP for almost 2 years now. I know the rules in and out, I also know the staff commands, the toolgun, and other items like that very well. (Except for wiremod, gonna need to watch some guides on how to use that). I also like helping people with anything they need. I would like to have something to work for other than a clone or Jedi. Becoming a Staff Member would give me a goal to work for every single day I’m on the server. I am on every single day unless I have a track race or something school related. I will help out every single person that needs it on the server. I guarantee if I become a staff member I will try my best to be the greatest staff member anyone has ever seen.  


Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Well, idk where to start so I guess I’ll start off by saying I came from Icefuse, had an incident there that made me leave and play other games, and ever since then I’ve been looking for a good server to join, and I believe I’ve found it. I have been playing SWRP for a very long time now, I believe I’m coming up on about 2 years now. Ranks that I have achieved are: 187th Commander, 91st XO, 501st Officer, 41st Officer, Elite Admin, Game Master. I am a very friendly person and I love to have fun and have a laugh. If you catch me on the server you’ll probably catch me talking in OOC a lot. I’m wanting to become a staff and a game maker so that I can help out the community more.


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10 hours ago, Bacoon said:

-1 sorry man but you were just minging last night


27 minutes ago, Banzai said:

-1 when you are trying to be staff it isn't a good idea to minge and failrp 

If this is about last night where I said "pte I fell off the wall" a couple times in OOC, I'm not sure how that is considered being a minge, I was joking around with one of the STs because he asked in ooc "No one is gonna ask for PTL or PTE?" I figured me stating it in OOC would be obvious that i'm just joking around and clearly not being serious. A minge in my book would be someone that's turning on the alarm, running from ST, opening the gate and closing it multiple times, stuff like that. Not someone that said "PTE fell off wall" a couple times in OOC, clearly saying it as a joke and not to be taken seriously.

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