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Bobonater3's Staff Application

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RP Name: TR Temple Guard Overseer Knight II Bobonater  ///  TR 187th Hvy TR1 Bobonater

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:156607107

Age: 17 (less than a month to 18) 

Gender: Male

Timezone: Eastern Timezone

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):  I want to become an administrator on this server because I feel that I can bring a positive impact to the sever by always answering calls/tickets, enforcing the rules, and continue to keep everyone in a serious role play attitude. I want to be able to build sims so everyone will have a greater experience. I want to guarantee that the minges, spammers, rule breakers are punished for their actions, and contribute to always have a staff member online. Besides that I think that there are a limited amount of staff online at times and not everyone is being helped immediately. I thought I would fill in there for a start. Lastly, I truly want to help out the community and make this server a better experience for everyone.

I believe I will be a good administrator because I have plenty experience with being a staff member an Garry's Mod, I have knowledge about Star Wars and the Clone Wars. I am 17 and I am mature and patient, which is crucial when taking sits or dealing with problems on the server. I also have great communication skills as I use every day for my job, school, etc. I look at situations at different point of views to fully understand what is going on. Also I am active on this server at all different times of the day. I am also a Trainer and love helping and welcoming new members to the community. My previous staff history is Moderator for Genesis Dark RP, Elite Administrator for TTT-Backstab, Administrator for Defconnation's Purge, and Administrator on Icefuse.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Hi i am 17 years old and I am a mature, patient, and talkative person. I am a very friendly and nice person, I love to help out others. I am good at explaining and teaching things, and I am very patient. I am very helpful and like when people ask me questions, i enjoy helping others and making sure we all have fun. In real life i love hanging out with friends and i am very active with sports to running and lastly going to the gym. I was never a video game person but i am in love with star wars RP. I've been playing clone wars RP for over a year and i still love it. I am currently in High School going back for an extra year, grade 13. I am doing well in school but just not ready to start post secondary school. I am also from CANADA so that is a little about myself EH.

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