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Bumblebee's REGCMD Application for Recon

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==========[ Regimental Commander ]==========

Steam Name: Zedbee The Poppybee




Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_1:0:52069033


Regiment you are applying for: Recon Regiment



  • REDSPEC: BCMD/SQL for a customized RC Squadron dubbed as “Bee Team”

  • REDSPEC: 501st Commander/Acting Battalion Commander

  • REDSPEC: Cuy’val Dar Assistant to Vhonte Ter’vho - Training Officer Shadow

  • REDSPEC: Naval Bridge Officer - In Charge of Gunnery and Navigation.

  • Superior Gaming: 41stGC, 212th, 327th. - Enlisted Ranks.

  • Synergy Roleplay: Shadow Company/Special Operations Commander

  • Synergy Roleplay: 41st “Green Company” Trooper

  • Synergy Roleplay: 104th Mechanized Battalion Medic and ARF Trooper

  • Synergy Roleplay: Galactic Marines

  • Synergy Roleplay: RC-1207 aka “Sev”

  • Synergy Roleplay: Chief Medical Officer - Naval

  • Synergy Roleplay: Jedi Padawan - Counselor before requesting demotion to Jedi Youngling (Their models are too cute.)


Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:


The question should be why shouldn’t I be Regimental Commander? Well, don’t answer that; it’s me trying to feign confidence.


The idea of be becoming a Regimental Commander means that I’m able to help others on the server in an indirect way. Why I should be this role is purely simple: I’m more than willing to teach as well as learn. In SPECOPS, we’ve hit a dryspot in terms of numbers but myself along with major support with others have brought the numbers back up to the day this application was created. I have vision, I have drive, and I won’t take failure as an option even when the odds seem dry.


What I have in experience in real life, I try to bring into the server and make it appropriate. That said, there are things I wish not to discuss in detail on an application seen by many but I do wish to say that some of the things I say and try to implement during my trainings have been researched, practiced, and experimented on before being given out to consumption. I enlist the help of those around me as well as those out far. Should I seem to not meet the quota or be of peak performance, I will not hesitate to reassess and change my ways.


Thirdly, it can be a helpful thing in terms of Passive and Serious RP? I excluded this from my “experiences” as it does not pertain to any Star Wars RP server that is credible. I am a roleplayer on forums, chat sites, and other medians of work. This typically means that a break in-character is FailRP and can have severe consequences. Such as in a chat-site, should I be playing as, for example, Commander Cody and spit out something inappropriate, they will not hesitate to ban me. It’s that simple! Now, I don’t expect this to be the case for the server, but I will try to push a more Passive and In-Character friendly venue for those who indeed wish for that to happen. I feel as if this position may actually help me without being a staff member.


Fourthly, self-progression. I’m sure you’ve all been at that point where you’ve hit the top or you reach your initial goal but want more. This is just me scratching the itch I have to become all that I can be. It was instilled in me two years ago and will forever be in me.


Finally, Internal Affairs: More or less, this is what an administrative role can provide to myself. It allows me a better understand of one’s battalions, ability to give insight to what I see to the BCMD, and other such things. More or less, I’m able to provide insight previously unseen to others or most.


Do you understand the lore of your regiment?: Yes, though I am not a Lore Master, I have a relatively concrete idea of each one.



  • Weekdays: Varies during the day, currently I can most likely get on any time after 0900 EST. After 2200, I am typically active and on the prowl until 0200 the next day or extending to 0400.

  • Weekends: This is when I typically work, so I’m only ever on at around 2200 until whenever I sleep.

  • Discord: I check it almost hourly. Though I will have it muted, the only times I cannot check it is when I am at work (1600-2100) or when out of state/country.


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

  • Completed multiple trainings: MED, bEOD, ATC/PLT, ARF (Not a real specialization but I do hold it to high regard), ENG, QM, HVY, JT, and SS.

  • I have passed Republic Command Tryouts for the character RC-1207 “Sev”

  • I have become a Commander of the Shadow Company, later renamed as Special Operations.

  • Chief Medical Officer at the rank of Petty Officer 2.

  • Created relationships with people on the server I wouldn’t trade for anything else in the world.


Do you have a microphone?:

  • It may be potato, it may be loud, but I do in fact have a microphone!


Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

  • SPECOPS, RANCOR, and 41st “Green Company” will be able to come together and operate without hiccup.

  • RANCOR will become the best all around battalion in Recon.

  • 41st Green Company will be the best guerilla fighters in Recon.

  • SPECOPS will become the best clandestine and espionage based operators in Recon.


How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

  • I wish to speak with each Commander or Commander Representative each week to set weekly goals, objectives, create trainings, and thus create cohesion that may or may not already exist. Should it exist, I wish to solidify and unite the people within and outside of my regiment. We’re all Brothers, after all; might as well fight together like one.

  • Trainings, Simulations, I’m a big believer or training and even in a game they can improve themselves.

  • Assisting in document work and other oddities - I’ve made documents before, this just allows me to assist more than just one or two people.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

  • Yes, of course and I do intend on being as active as I can be.


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:

  • Of course! It’s stated both here and in the open spots!




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  • Coordinator


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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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-1 I'm going to be honest don't want this to come out the wrong way but I have not seen on you since this past week you don't know how the current Recon battalions are doing and you're not ready to help revive a new battalion (91st)

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