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Dice's Staff Application

Dice ✯

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RP Name: - Dice

Steam ID: - STEAM_0:1:120710993

Age: - 18

Gender: -  Male

Timezone: - New York, Eastern Time Zone.

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to join the staff team to better the community, be a bigger part of the community. I see a lot of people requiring assistance within the game and it prompts me to help in any way but limited which i conisder my self as a person always trying to help. I wanted something else to thrive upon and do in Synergy roleplay and wanted to make others feel this is a perfect gaming environment. i want to be able to take the next steps in the synergy role play community. Throughout my time here on the Synergy Venator, i have seen numbers on this server rise and i would love to be apart of the team who deals with all this, at the end of the day i want the community and the people in it to feel promised on a smooth vicinity of gaming. for me ive been apart of staff before and left before and people might say oh you just leave again im not so sure this time i enjoy helping people and and while im focusing on it i earned time to progress in these things to help improve my train of thought on synergy. I tend to dedicate myself with responsibility to said communities and can give my full attention towards it, no matter what as of having a passion for it and hope to go far with this community and show my true dedication and what I have to offer towards it. I feel as well I can support the opposite side of the player base from around the world to give them full support when not many staff may not be online and so that they know that if they have a issue early on they have a staff member to be able to sort this issue for them as I will always try my best to take tickets before I get involved in RP so that there is no complaints and know that everything is organized and that tickets are not just massively piling up from no responses

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):  As a New York gamer i can handle things like a swift. Out of everything I've learnt about being staff it has allowed me to acquire lots of experience making me more actively responsible and more attainable on situations and has reflected on all of my past consequences. From being the person of will with all of my experience I even notice my past experiences make me the Sufficient staff member I am today. One of the greatest things I seen of my self is the fact that i can act a way if someone requires it be that way making an objective easily adapted to. 

Do you have any previous staff experience?- Yes I have had an extreme progression of experience on many staff teams from all positions! I have been staff In more than one game other than Garry's mod such as H1Z1, Arma, and more. One of my first staff positions ever was a Garrys Mod server called "NYC Hosted Servers", A Dark RP and SWRP and were quite big ranging 60 -70 people a day I was the server Head of Staff. I gained much experience training my self on adapting to different situations with the staff and the players. The chance allowed me to be optimized in these said situations allowing the discouragement of being bias, rude, loud and gaining and keeping many attainments to balance out a sit. Within my time at NYC Hosted Servers, I learned how much work being staff actually is, players need you, ask questions and expect you to have answers. It's a lot of work to be staff but can be handled if you put in the right amount of dedication! Its a lot more work to be dedicated to the server you are staff for which makes you a role model for others to look at. I have been other major staff position on Garry's mod another server called "Exotic servers" run by a man named ducks, within my time on this server I earned the title and rank head admin, It was my job to manage staff, to manage any staff related, problems, reports, and just training. I learned quite a bit from this server, mainly about leading, about people and staff. I never realized on how much people let their emotions control them when they get upset. I learned on this server how to respond to people's feelings, how to take both sides into account keeping the final solution based off facts. I experienced that many people need a leader, they have questions and you might not always have an answer but you must try your best. In addition i owned my own H1Z1 server, with making my own server staff team. I learned a lot, from just commands to how a server works and how to lead people to do the right thing, The leader ship skills i attained not only from being staff but even in game on giving the right arrow to lead a group of troops weather in a Raid or in basic PVP. Keeping a smooth and clear train of thought while under pressure keeps someone on the line. I knew work Is  Mandatory for dedication to a server. Going onto my other staff roles in my past allowed me to do my job as a staff easily and smoothly with no bumps in between. I was with this condition of thought ever since and allowed me to continue doing my job on other servers! From all the positions I have received and making sure that all work gets done was a priority for me. For the Rest here is a list of some of the other position of staff i have been in the past.

- Server Name:  Mexican Border RP ] Gweelz Dark RP ] Monolith ] Krystal RP ] Icefuse ] ETC....
 - Staff Position: Head Admin ]                Senior Admin ]        Admin ]       Manager ] Moderator ] ETC....



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-1 Absolutely not. You were blacklisted from CG for minging. Also, repeatedly, you have been caught attempting to break the elevators by jumping down the elevator shaft and blocking it with your body. You are by NO MEANS fit for staff. At all.

Edited by Deadly
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3 minutes ago, Deadly said:

-1 Absolutely not. You were blacklisted from CG for minging. Also, repeatedly, you have been caught attempting to break the elevators by jumping down the elevator shaft and blocking it with your body. You are by NO MEANS fit for staff. At all.

That i didn't know


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-1 I have to say no. You were several chances to redeem yourself in CG and you just disregarded them resulting in a blacklist. You were also arrested several times for offenses including RDM and FailRP. You show no intent to RP half the time especially when you littered the entire 1st floor lobby with single credits and proceeded to spell "RANCOR" with credits. In my opinion there is barely any, if any professionalism evident. In the time that you have been on the server, I don't see anything in you that would be characteristic of a staff member. 

Edited by Panzergrenadier765
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Alright yea i did things but i want to change and btw I was stuck in the elevator and called staff until obi wan helped me out and obviously i was not Black listed from CG for minging i was removed cause i did things that i regret at the wrong place wrong time

Edited by Dice ✯
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I blacklisted you, I think I know the reason. BCMD Fox also corroborated my report saying that you were removed for minging, RDM and several arrests. You also went on your Jedi Youngling and started using a stun stick to abuse people. I also dislike how you started messaging me on TeamSpeak assuming that I went around telling all of CG to -1 your application and criticizing me for it. Very childish. I'm only saying no because you acted nothing like a staff member should and calling me out for something you have no proof regarding is despicable. I'm  sorry that I care about the Community and the quality of staff.
<14:50:39> "Dice": you feel good about taking a shit on my post
<14:50:51> "Dice": i try to start changing my act
<14:50:56> "Dice": and the first stage
<14:51:03> "Dice": you destroy it
<14:51:05> "Dice": good job
<14:51:12> "Dice": go tell more of CG to go shit on my post
<14:51:20> "CG DSO ARC 2ndLT Panzer": I never did.

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54 minutes ago, Dice ✯ said:

...and btw I was stuck in the elevator and called staff until obi wan helped me out...

You didn't call for staff any of the times that you've been "stuck", and you've done it multiple times. I've seen you doing it personally at least 3 times.

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Thank you for the feedback i will  reflect off my actions and make sure the things i have done wrong will change as staff makes things much more serious, and again all of CG that is -1'ing i appreciate your feedback as i can use it to dwell off my mistakes and change to become a better person.

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He was cg longer than you were doom 

22 hours ago, Deadly said:

-1 Absolutely not. You were blacklisted from CG for minging. Also, repeatedly, you have been caught attempting to break the elevators by jumping down the elevator shaft and blocking it with your body. You are by NO MEANS fit for staff. At all.


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After having a nice talk with dice I've learned a lot more about dice and a lot about his time in cg and i feel like he is ready, he is mature and this is viable after having a nice talk with him and he is a nice person to talk to. These kind on people should at least have a chance at being staff and i hope he gets to show hes full potential. 


I personaly recommend you have a chat with dice before you judge him based on the evidence give by the cg battalion.


good luck with you'r application

th (8).jpg

Edited by Weevil
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- With all do respect Panzer, I do greatly respect your rank and you as a person but please don't disrespect my knowledge, you constantly are bringing up something and telling everyone of a mistake that i regret doing, I am using this staff application as a Big step to my moral address that i am willing to make change and to serve this community with great input. 

Edited by Dice ✯
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i know dice and i honestly believe he would make a great admin and in the whole time ive known him he hasn't minged once so strop bringing things up that happened in the past ITS IN THE PAST FOR A REASON (if it was bad enough that he shouldn't be on the server he wouldn't be drop it already you've been told by multiple admin now stop arguing in the app) Please and Thanks

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Okay I was told not to give my opinion on this but every that is saying DICE never minged or did anything wrong that is a lie everything that happened to him, he was blacked listed from CG  3/9/2018 For mining and multiple arrest and reports of disrespect. I am not gonna give a +1 or a -1 I just want to point out that DICE is acting like a victim. You have multiple players that know his is a minge and just cause you guys are friends with the user you are +1 this app. And I am not making this comment because I dislike DICE in fact I like DICE I think if he stopped minging he would be a good trooper, but saying that being Blacklisted 3 days ago from a regiment is in the past and this he has changed since then is utterly stupid. I believe DICE should have a second chance but I strongly Believe he should wait to apply to staff.


Edited by DexGunz
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  • Founder

I RARELY post on applications, but I like to state my opinion where no one needs it. 


I feel Dice is a trooper whom has competence. Although he can be a bit mingy I feel he has enough common sense for the staff team and does deserve a chance for this opportunity. Don't get me wrong I know he was kicked out of CG, and feel it was completely deserved. However I also think that specific environment didn't match his personality. He's more of RANCOR Trooper, and doesn't have the sense for security. That being said, he still does have a strong justice sense, and will profit this team.

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2 hours ago, Arctican said:

MEGA +1 and to the CG (Stop Being Salty Because You Disliked Him In CG STOP HOLDING GRUDGES FFS) Thanks

2 hours ago, ASVO said:

He was cg longer than you were doom 


In regards to Arctican and ASVO, I wasn't in CG, when he was, so I have no personal experience with him being in CG. I was simply stating that he is blacklisted for minging. (and yes I know the whole story for this)

Also, @ASVO, what are you trying to say by that? I just don't see how it's relevant. If you are trying to say that him being CG longer that 12 days means he deserves staff, then you are unfortunately mistaken. Please elaborate in PMs or TS, as I'd love to hear why you would bring that up.

1 hour ago, IKE said:

+1 you have showed massive improvement since the elevator incident and extremely detailed staff app

How could he have improved? We're talking about the blacklist (3 days ago) and the elevator INCIDENTS. (which I witnessed personally 2 days ago, Saturday, and Friday night)

51 minutes ago, Dice ✯ said:

- With all do respect Panzer, I do greatly respect your rank and you as a person but please don't disrespect my knowledge, you constantly are bringing up something and telling everyone of a mistake that i regret doing, I am using this staff application as a Big step to my moral address that i am willing to make change and to serve this community with great input. 

Dice, I commented on the post first, not Panzer. He did not tell any CG to come here and -1 or even to view the post, at all. 

Also, Dice regarding your change. I think you should change, but you need to CHANGE FIRST, then apply for staff. We're talking about mingy incidents that were 2-3 days ago (Was 1-2 days ago when I made my original comment). If you improve over the next few weeks and then had applied, I would've given you a +1 instead, but it is my upright duty to expose any and all issues that I see with a person who is applying for any position, regardless of if I like them or not personally. I don't hate you personally, but you need to get more serious and stop screwing around if you want to convince more people that you are ready. Good luck!

46 minutes ago, Arctican said:

i know dice and i honestly believe he would make a great admin and in the whole time ive known him he hasn't minged once so strop bringing things up that happened in the past ITS IN THE PAST FOR A REASON...

This statement has two main issues.

The first is that it's an oxymoron: "he hasn't minged once so strop bringing things up that happened in the past ITS IN THE PAST FOR A REASON..." You claim he "hasn't minged once", but the statement somewhat acknowledges that he did minge in the past. Also, "THE PAST" that you are referring to, is (if you are referring to my post) something that happened 2-3 days ago from today, or 1-2 days ago from my original comment.


Thank you all for reading my more in-depth explanation. Just like always I will give my opinion on what I please without restraint.


As a disclaimer, I have a rule of thumb that I only make up to 2 posts per thread (one for +1/-1 and explanation, and the other for ONE response, so I will not be responding to anything else on this thread, so if you wish to continue the conversation, talk to me on Teamspeak instead.)


                 - Deadly (DU <3 forever)

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Congratulations Dice You have been accepted for an interview! 

You have until March 20th to contact an Overseer+ for an Interview!

Failure to do so will result in a denial of your application.

Everyone deserves a chance. The pros outweigh the cons, don't make us regret this.


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You have passed the interview process.

Welcome to the staff team!



2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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