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How much of your life have you wasted!

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So I'm like a 3rd generation Pole, So I've lately been learning a bit of Polish, and I came accross this article


Basically it says it'll take you around 700 hours to become fluent in a language. So I got to thinking, if I spent all my time studying a languge instead of Gmod, how many languages would i be fluent in.


Turns out i could speak 3 languages beside english by now.


Edited by Andrewmets
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I've been trying to learn German recently cuz I think I have a bit of backstory there, if I learn German and want a new language I'd either go Swedish or French, but thats unlikely.


But i've been struggling because I am to lazy to learn it, but I know a small bit.


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4 hours ago, Bolt said:

I've been trying to learn German recently cuz I think I have a bit of backstory there, if I learn German and want a new language I'd either go Swedish or French, but thats unlikely.


But i've been struggling because I am to lazy to learn it, but I know a small bit.



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5 hours ago, Bolt said:

I've been trying to learn German recently cuz I think I have a bit of backstory there, if I learn German and want a new language I'd either go Swedish or French, but thats unlikely.


But i've been struggling because I am to lazy to learn it, but I know a small bit.



I learned German in school, a bit of Spanish and I'm going to learn Russian next year and of course, I already know Swedish and English. woop woop

Edited by Extinzion

| Another one of those pesky OGs |

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1 minute ago, Duck said:

Ok max, you dont get to be in this competition. You literally had a schedule to be on the server 24 hours a day. Wake up. Get on Gmod go to work, get back home relog, play on server a little, relog, go to sleep Repeat.

That's why I win ;) strategy 

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